Är Toho Holdings Co utdelningen säker?
Toho Holdings Co har höjt utdelningen i 2 år.
Inom de senaste 10 åren har Toho Holdings Co ökat denna med årligen 14,131 % ökad.
På 5-årssikt ökade utdelningen med 17,608 %.
Analytikerna räknar med en Utdelningsökning på 2,071% för det löpande räkenskapsåret.
Toho Holdings Co Aktienanalyse
Vad gör Toho Holdings Co?
Toho Holdings Co Ltd is a Japanese company that was founded in 1946. The company's history began with the founding of Toho Seiyaku Co Ltd, a company specializing in the sale of diagnostic reagents. Over the years, Toho Holdings has expanded its business and now offers a wide range of products and services.
Toho Holdings' business model is to offer a wide range of products and services in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, chemical products, and clinical diagnostics. The company is divided into four main business segments: medicine, pharmacy, chemistry, and food.
In the field of medicine, Toho Holdings offers a wide range of products including medical devices, diagnostics, medical consumables, hospital beds and furniture, as well as homecare products. The company distributes its products not only in Japan but also in international markets.
Toho Holdings is also active in the pharmacy sector, offering a wide range of pharmaceutical products such as generics and OTC drugs. The company works closely with leading pharmaceutical companies and has established several joint ventures with international partners.
The chemistry segment includes the manufacturing and sale of chemical products such as specialty chemicals, organic and inorganic chemicals, as well as plastics. Toho Holdings also has a strong presence in the laboratory equipment and supplies market.
Toho Holdings is also active in the food sector, offering a wide range of food products such as fish and seafood products, sauces, spices, and dietary supplements. The company works closely with leading food manufacturers.
The company is also heavily involved in clinical diagnostics, offering a wide range of laboratory diagnostics and equipment to the medical community. These products include test kits for infectious diseases, cancer, hormones, and autoimmune diseases, as well as equipment for clinical chemistry and immunology.
Toho Holdings is committed to continuously expanding and improving its product range and services. The company invests in research and development to develop innovative products and technologies that meet the growing demands of customers. It also works closely with universities and research institutions to stay up-to-date on the latest developments.
In summary, Toho Holdings Co Ltd is a major player in the Japanese market for medicine, pharmacy, chemistry, and clinical diagnostics. The company has a strong presence in international markets and offers a wide range of products and services. With its years of experience and commitment to innovation and quality, Toho Holdings sets standards in the industry. Toho Holdings Co är ett av de mest populära företagen på Eulerpool.com.Aktiesparprogram erbjuder en attraktiv möjlighet för investerare att bygga upp ett långsiktigt kapital. En av huvudfördelarna är den så kallade kostnadsgenomsnittseffekten: Genom att regelbundet investera en fast summa i aktier eller aktiefonder, köper man automatiskt fler andelar när priserna är låga, och färre när de är höga. Detta kan leda till ett mer fördelaktigt genomsnittspris per andel över tid. Dessutom möjliggör aktiesparprogram även för småsparare att få tillgång till dyra aktier, eftersom de kan delta med små summor. Den regelbundna investeringen främjar också en disciplinerad investeringsstrategi och hjälper till att undvika emotionella beslut, som impulsivt köpande eller säljande. Utöver detta, drar investerare nytta av den potentiella värdetillväxten i aktierna såväl som från utdelningar som kan återinvesteras, vilket förstärker ränta-på-ränta-effekten och således tillväxten av det investerade kapitalet.