Kto je poskytovateľom Vanguard Communication Services ETF?
Vanguard Communication Services ETF je ponúkané spoločnosťou Vanguard, popredným hráčom v oblasti pasívnych investícií.
The Vanguard Communication Services ETF is a fund that invests in the stocks of companies that specialize in communication services. This includes companies in the fields of media, telecommunication, and other technology-driven sectors that provide critical communication services to consumers around the world. The ETF was launched in September 2018 and is managed by the renowned asset management company, Vanguard. The fund seeks to provide investors with exposure to the growth potential of companies in the communication services industry while maintaining a diversified portfolio of stocks. The portfolio of the fund is designed to track the performance of the MSCI US Investable Market Communication Services 25/50 Index, which includes large, mid, and small-cap companies in the communication services industry. As of 2021, the fund holds over 100 different stocks, and the majority of the assets are invested in large-cap companies like Facebook, Alphabet (Google), and Verizon Communications. Investing in the Vanguard Communication Services ETF gives investors exposure to a range of high-growth companies that are likely to benefit from the increasing demand for communication services. These companies are leaders in their respective markets and have established positions that are difficult to replicate. The ETF is designed for investors who are looking for exposure to the communication services industry with a focus on long-term capital appreciation. This is ideal for investors who are interested in technology stocks but want to avoid the volatility and risk associated with investing in individual companies. The expense ratio of the Vanguard Communication Services ETF is relatively low, which makes it an attractive option for long-term investors. The low expense ratio is achieved by the fund's passive investment strategy, which seeks to track the performance of the underlying index rather than actively selecting individual stocks. Overall, the Vanguard Communication Services ETF is an attractive option for investors who are looking to gain exposure to the communication services industry with a diversified portfolio of stocks. The fund provides access to high-growth companies that have established positions in their respective markets and are likely to benefit from the increasing demand for communication services. The low expense ratio makes this an affordable option for long-term investors who want to take advantage of the growth potential in the communication services industry.
Burza | Vanguard Communication Services ETF Ticker |
Vanguard Communication Services ETF je ponúkané spoločnosťou Vanguard, popredným hráčom v oblasti pasívnych investícií.
ISIN spoločnosti Vanguard Communication Services ETF je US92204A8844
Celkové náklady na fond Vanguard Communication Services ETF sú 0,10 %, čo znamená, že investor zaplatí 10,00 USD ročne za každých 10 000 USD investovaného kapitálu.
ETF je kótovaný v USD.
Európski investori by mohli mať dodatočné náklady na zmenu meny a transakčné poplatky.
Nie, Vanguard Communication Services ETF nezodpovedá smerniciam EÚ o ochrane investorov Ucits.
Pomer cena/zisk spoločnosti Vanguard Communication Services ETF je 22,02
Vanguard Communication Services ETF odráža vývoj hodnoty MSCI US IMI 25/50 Communication Services -SEC.
Priemerný objem obchodovania spoločnosti Vanguard Communication Services ETF momentálne činí 131 812,40.
Vanguard Communication Services ETF je domovský v US.
Štart fondu bol 23. 9. 2004
Vanguard Communication Services ETF investuje hlavne do spoločností typu Komunikačné služby.
NAV spoločnosti Vanguard Communication Services ETF je 166,40 mil. USD.
Pomer kurz/knižná hodnota je 3,51.
Investície je možné realizovať prostredníctvom brokerov alebo finančných inštitúcií, ktoré poskytujú prístup k obchodovaniu s ETF.
ETF sa obchoduje na burze podobne ako akcie.
Áno, ETF môže byť držaný v bežnom cenných papierovom depe.
ETF sa hodí ako pre krátkodobé, tak pre dlhodobé investičné stratégie, v závislosti od cieľov investora.
ETF je hodnotený každý burzový deň.
Informácie o dividendách by mali byť vyžiadané na webovej stránke poskytovateľa alebo u vášho brokera.
Medzi riziká patria kolísanie trhu, menové riziká a riziko menších spoločností.
ETF je povinný pravidelne a transparentne informovať o svojich investíciách.
Výkonnosť je možné prezrieť na Eulerpool alebo priamo na webovej stránke poskytovateľa.
Ďalšie informácie nájdete na oficiálnej webovej stránke poskytovateľa.