Je dividenda Nippon Kayaku Co bezpečná?
Nippon Kayaku Co zvyšuje dividendu už 2 rokov.
V priebehu posledných 10 rokov Nippon Kayaku Co ročne 5,048 % zvýšená.
Na 5-ročnú perspektívu vzrástol výplata o 8,447 %.
Analytici očakávajú pre bežný obchodný rok nárast o Rast dividend vo výške 1,983%.
Nippon Kayaku Co Aktienanalyse
Čo robí Nippon Kayaku Co?
Nippon Kayaku Co Ltd is a Japanese company that has been active in the research, development, manufacturing, and distribution of chemical products since 1916. The company is headquartered in Tokyo and has been listed on the stock exchange since 1959.
The history of Nippon Kayaku began with the production of nitrogen fertilizers and explosives. In the following decades, the company expanded its business and invested in the production of dyes, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, chemical fibers, and other chemical products.
Today, Nippon Kayaku has three core business areas: Life Science, Automotive and Mobility, and Performance Materials.
The Life Science division encompasses the development and production of pharmaceutical products, medical devices, diagnostics, and other products for the healthcare industry. The company works closely with research organizations, universities, and other partners to develop innovative solutions for healthcare.
In the Automotive and Mobility sector, Nippon Kayaku manufactures safety components for cars and other means of transportation, such as airbags, seat belts, and child seats. The company adheres to strict quality and safety standards to provide its customers with the highest level of safety.
The Performance Materials division includes the production of specialty chemicals, dyes, coatings, and other materials for a variety of applications and industries, such as electronics, construction, textiles, and more. Nippon Kayaku collaborates closely with partners to develop customized solutions for their specific requirements.
One important product of Nippon Kayaku is Ektachrome color film, which is sold under the name Kodak in many countries. The color film was first developed in the 1940s and was a groundbreaking innovation in photography. Nippon Kayaku still produces Ektachrome films today and has also developed other technologies to enhance photography and image processing.
Overall, Nippon Kayaku is a diversified company that leverages its experience and expertise in various industries to develop innovative products and solutions. With a strong focus on research and development and a long history of technological innovation, the company is well positioned to continue leading and serving its customers worldwide. Nippon Kayaku Co je jednou z najobľúbenejších spoločností načné plány do akcií ponúkajú atraktívnu možnosť pre investorov na dlhodobú výstavbu majetku. Jednou z hlavných výhod je tzv. Cost-Average-Effekt: Pravidelnou investíciou pevnej sumy do akcií alebo do akciových fondov automaticky kupujete viac podielov, keď sú ceny nízke, a menej, keď sú vysoké. To môže viesť k výhodnejšej priemernej cene za podiel v priebehu času. Okrem toho investičné plány do akcií umožňujú aj malým investorom prístup k drahým akciám, keďže sa dá investovať už s malými sumami. Pravidelná investícia tiež podporuje disciplinovanú investičnú stratégiu a pomáha predchádzať emocionálnym rozhodnutiam, ako je impulzívne kupovanie alebo predávanie. Ďalej investorom prináša potenciálny nárast hodnoty akcií, ako aj výplaty dividend, ktoré môžu byť reinvestované, čo zvyšuje efekt zloženého úroku a tým rast investovaného kapitálu.