ohne Gewähr Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff ohne Gewähr für Deutschland.

ohne Gewähr Definition

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ohne Gewähr

Definition: "Ohne Gewähr" is a German term commonly used in the finance industry, specifically in the context of investment advice or financial information.

Literally translating to "without guarantee" in English, this term is prominently used to disclaim any legal responsibility or warranty for the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the provided information or advice. In the capital markets, where risk assessment and decision-making play crucial roles, "ohne Gewähr" serves as a powerful statement to highlight the absence of any binding commitments or assurances from the party providing the information. It emphasizes that the recipient of such information should exercise their own judgment and prudence before making any financial decisions. Financial professionals and institutions often utilize this expression to protect themselves against potential legal liabilities resulting from inadvertent errors, unpredictable market conditions, or the dynamic nature of the investment landscape. By explicitly stating "ohne Gewähr," they make it clear that no explicit or implicit guarantee is provided regarding the accuracy of the information or its suitability for specific investment purposes. In addition to its legal connotation, "ohne Gewähr" also reflects the importance of self-reliance and due diligence in the financial world. Investors should consider this caveat as a reminder to conduct their comprehensive research, evaluate multiple data sources, and consult professional advisors before making investment choices. Although Eulerpool.com aims to provide accurate and reliable financial information, the constantly evolving nature of capital markets necessitates individual caution and responsibility. By including "ohne Gewähr" in our glossary, Eulerpool.com emphasizes its commitment to transparently disseminating financial information while encouraging investors to exercise their own discernment. We recognize the significance of this term in protecting both investors and financial professionals, making it an imperative aspect of our comprehensive lexicon for capital market investors. Through Eulerpool.com, we aim to provide a platform where investors can access reliable financial information and develop a comprehensive understanding of the complexities within various financial markets. Our glossary, including terms such as "ohne Gewähr," acts as a valuable resource in empowering investors with the knowledge they need to navigate the world of stocks, loans, bonds, money markets, and cryptocurrencies effectively. Please refer to Eulerpool.com's extensive glossary for further definitions and explanations of essential financial terms, enabling you to make informed investment decisions.
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