Nichtvalutierung Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff Nichtvalutierung für Deutschland.

Nichtvalutierung Definition

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"Nichtvalutierung" is a fundamental term used in the context of capital markets and refers to a specific process related to the settlement of securities transactions.

In German, "Nichtvalutierung" can be translated as "non-settlement" or "non-valuation," and it implies the non-execution or non-fulfillment of a transaction within the expected or agreed-upon time frame. Within capital markets, the settlement process encompasses all the activities and procedures involved in the finalization of a securities transaction. It includes the transfer of ownership, the exchange of securities for cash or other assets, and the adjustment of any related obligations or rights. Typically, this process occurs within a predefined period known as the settlement cycle. However, in certain instances, the settlement of a transaction may fail due to various reasons. This can occur, for example, when the buyer fails to provide the necessary funds or when the seller does not deliver the securities as per the agreed terms. In such cases, "Nichtvalutierung" occurs, indicating that the transaction has not been completed within the anticipated time frame. When "Nichtvalutierung" happens, it often initiates a series of subsequent actions and procedures aimed at resolving the unsettled transaction. Market participants, such as brokers, clearing houses, or custodians, work together to identify the reasons for non-settlement and take appropriate remedial actions. These actions may involve investigating discrepancies, resolving any outstanding issues, or renegotiating the terms with the involved parties. It is crucial to promptly address "Nichtvalutierung" issues to ensure the smooth functioning and integrity of the capital markets. Timely resolution helps in minimizing financial risks, maintaining investor confidence, and preserving the overall stability of the market. In conclusion, "Nichtvalutierung" denotes the non-settlement of a securities transaction within the designated time frame. It represents a temporary disruption in the settlement process, requiring diligent efforts from market participants to rectify the situation. Understanding this term is essential for investors and market professionals engaged in capital market activities, as it enables them to navigate potential challenges and effectively mitigate risks associated with incomplete transactions.
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