Veic labākos ieguldījumus savā dzīvē
Japāna Algas
Akciju cena
Pašreizējā Algas vērtība Japāna ir 332 301 JPY/mēnesis. Algas Japāna samazinājās līdz 332 301 JPY/mēnesis uz 1.04.2024., pēc tam, kad tā bija 339 957 JPY/mēnesis uz 1.03.2024.. No 1.01.1970. līdz 1.04.2024., vidējais IKP Japāna bija 327 779,74 JPY/mēnesis. Visaugstākais līmenis tika sasniegts 1.12.1997. ar 883 791,00 JPY/mēnesis, kamēr zemākais līmenis tika reģistrēts 1.02.1970. ar 52 914,00 JPY/mēnesis.
Algas ·
Algas | |
1.01.1970. | 54 351,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1970. | 52 914,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1970. | 59 229,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1970. | 56 640,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1970. | 57 741,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1970. | 97 523,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1970. | 98 442,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1970. | 66 543,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1970. | 60 697,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1970. | 62 119,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1970. | 61 948,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1970. | 177 776,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1971. | 64 706,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1971. | 61 860,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1971. | 68 785,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1971. | 64 900,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1971. | 64 776,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1971. | 114 628,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1971. | 113 491,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1971. | 76 863,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1971. | 68 869,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1971. | 70 158,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1971. | 71 394,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1971. | 200 285,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1972. | 72 600,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1972. | 70 252,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1972. | 78 420,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1972. | 74 914,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1972. | 75 580,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1972. | 134 854,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1972. | 130 486,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1972. | 85 479,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1972. | 81 461,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1972. | 80 016,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1972. | 83 561,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1972. | 238 196,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1973. | 84 152,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1973. | 81 786,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1973. | 90 084,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1973. | 87 057,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1973. | 90 836,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1973. | 158 012,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1973. | 164 504,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1973. | 103 770,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1973. | 95 125,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1973. | 100 280,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1973. | 104 120,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1973. | 304 764,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1974. | 99 558,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1974. | 97 373,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1974. | 105 706,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1974. | 108 443,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1974. | 119 134,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1974. | 205 968,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1974. | 226 934,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1974. | 135 610,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1974. | 120 583,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1974. | 122 845,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1974. | 126 790,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1974. | 389 134,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1975. | 128 881,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1975. | 123 937,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1975. | 137 522,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1975. | 130 277,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1975. | 131 143,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1975. | 229 795,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1975. | 251 222,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1975. | 155 989,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1975. | 140 036,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1975. | 139 498,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1975. | 144 680,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1975. | 414 281,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1976. | 145 841,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1976. | 141 177,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1976. | 157 896,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1976. | 150 937,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1976. | 149 525,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1976. | 270 428,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1976. | 274 889,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1976. | 168 823,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1976. | 153 406,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1976. | 157 431,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1976. | 166 443,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1976. | 472 868,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1977. | 162 077,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1977. | 156 903,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1977. | 177 470,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1977. | 164 201,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1977. | 165 265,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1977. | 299 589,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1977. | 296 703,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1977. | 188 813,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1977. | 168 039,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1977. | 170 390,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1977. | 173 455,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1977. | 512 389,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1978. | 177 872,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1978. | 170 499,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1978. | 192 601,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1978. | 178 585,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1978. | 176 910,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1978. | 321 808,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1978. | 316 994,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1978. | 197 031,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1978. | 180 623,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1978. | 183 228,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1978. | 188 361,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1978. | 539 886,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1979. | 187 887,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1979. | 181 911,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1979. | 205 697,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1979. | 184 003,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1979. | 187 029,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1979. | 333 825,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1979. | 325 017,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1979. | 220 147,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1979. | 188 667,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1979. | 190 586,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1979. | 194 870,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1979. | 562 822,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1980. | 197 945,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1980. | 190 822,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1980. | 217 424,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1980. | 196 696,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1980. | 199 808,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1980. | 355 551,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1980. | 352 091,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1980. | 231 015,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1980. | 199 684,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1980. | 205 430,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1980. | 208 360,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1980. | 603 180,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1981. | 210 092,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1981. | 201 260,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1981. | 229 048,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1981. | 208 522,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1981. | 211 130,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1981. | 380 545,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1981. | 375 469,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1981. | 239 172,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1981. | 211 446,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1981. | 214 929,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1981. | 220 913,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1981. | 643 630,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1982. | 221 429,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1982. | 212 726,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1982. | 238 005,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1982. | 219 989,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1982. | 218 052,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1982. | 388 315,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1982. | 387 580,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1982. | 254 459,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1982. | 218 694,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1982. | 221 815,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1982. | 228 825,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1982. | 647 450,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1983. | 230 311,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1983. | 221 422,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1983. | 245 514,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1983. | 228 318,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1983. | 225 516,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1983. | 404 539,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1983. | 402 599,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1983. | 250 706,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1983. | 226 236,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1983. | 229 160,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1983. | 234 815,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1983. | 666 508,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1984. | 237 778,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1984. | 229 708,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1984. | 258 357,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1984. | 240 797,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1984. | 234 920,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1984. | 426 962,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1984. | 418 830,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1984. | 259 236,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1984. | 236 494,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1984. | 239 451,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1984. | 244 779,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1984. | 695 549,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1985. | 248 994,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1985. | 237 029,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1985. | 264 625,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1985. | 245 517,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1985. | 240 780,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1985. | 427 995,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1985. | 423 976,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1985. | 274 918,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1985. | 240 871,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1985. | 243 592,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1985. | 250 103,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1985. | 704 568,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1986. | 257 153,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1986. | 244 224,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1986. | 271 242,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1986. | 252 069,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1986. | 248 233,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1986. | 448 477,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1986. | 440 692,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1986. | 279 079,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1986. | 248 992,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1986. | 249 129,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1986. | 260 633,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1986. | 722 944,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1987. | 263 598,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1987. | 249 718,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1987. | 280 065,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1987. | 257 234,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1987. | 254 164,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1987. | 464 236,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1987. | 448 395,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1987. | 282 057,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1987. | 256 560,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1987. | 258 844,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1987. | 268 524,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1987. | 746 920,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1988. | 260 979,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1988. | 253 246,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1988. | 282 263,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1988. | 260 548,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1988. | 257 921,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1988. | 473 570,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1988. | 449 770,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1988. | 292 831,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1988. | 260 380,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1988. | 262 163,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1988. | 270 868,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1988. | 764 362,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1989. | 277 399,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1989. | 262 025,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1989. | 291 810,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1989. | 270 718,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1989. | 268 219,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1989. | 503 945,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1989. | 466 280,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1989. | 304 557,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1989. | 270 916,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1989. | 271 910,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1989. | 285 978,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1989. | 806 840,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1990. | 293 256,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1990. | 267 391,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1990. | 296 314,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1990. | 277 848,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1990. | 277 157,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1990. | 532 131,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1990. | 485 532,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1990. | 309 681,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1990. | 278 133,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1990. | 279 976,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1990. | 293 469,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1990. | 842 204,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1991. | 296 369,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1991. | 282 306,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1991. | 311 984,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1991. | 290 097,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1991. | 288 757,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1991. | 553 795,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1991. | 502 569,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1991. | 331 030,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1991. | 287 928,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1991. | 288 891,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1991. | 305 220,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1991. | 867 158,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1992. | 312 594,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1992. | 287 849,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1992. | 319 404,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1992. | 296 481,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1992. | 296 040,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1992. | 569 011,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1992. | 521 902,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1992. | 331 238,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1992. | 294 721,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1992. | 295 375,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1992. | 309 810,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1992. | 868 799,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1993. | 308 009,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1993. | 292 689,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1993. | 322 036,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1993. | 301 509,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1993. | 300 592,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1993. | 567 677,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1993. | 516 919,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1993. | 336 080,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1993. | 298 556,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1993. | 298 921,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1993. | 316 954,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1993. | 854 088,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1994. | 323 114,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1994. | 297 840,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1994. | 326 268,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1994. | 308 591,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1994. | 306 029,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1994. | 614 030,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1994. | 498 538,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1994. | 333 531,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1994. | 306 363,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1994. | 307 340,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1994. | 324 125,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1994. | 864 460,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1995. | 331 997,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1995. | 306 760,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1995. | 335 646,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1995. | 316 338,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1995. | 312 145,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1995. | 614 462,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1995. | 518 202,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1995. | 337 283,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1995. | 313 615,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1995. | 313 389,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1995. | 329 382,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1995. | 876 393,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1996. | 328 374,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1996. | 311 895,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1996. | 340 820,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1996. | 320 503,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1996. | 317 338,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1996. | 616 177,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1996. | 521 487,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1996. | 353 456,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1996. | 316 320,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1996. | 317 704,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1996. | 337 393,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1996. | 874 220,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1997. | 358 031,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1997. | 318 023,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1997. | 346 142,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1997. | 327 078,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1997. | 323 384,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1997. | 625 348,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1997. | 533 480,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1997. | 358 200,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1997. | 320 078,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1997. | 322 081,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1997. | 337 485,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1997. | 883 791,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1998. | 355 770,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1998. | 317 751,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1998. | 348 223,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1998. | 325 595,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1998. | 320 397,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1998. | 622 099,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1998. | 520 048,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1998. | 348 694,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1998. | 318 581,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1998. | 322 630,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1998. | 338 481,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1998. | 848 727,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.1999. | 327 377,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.1999. | 306 315,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.1999. | 337 237,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.1999. | 315 210,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.1999. | 310 424,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.1999. | 576 062,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.1999. | 493 510,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.1999. | 337 734,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.1999. | 310 898,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.1999. | 313 048,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.1999. | 327 716,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.1999. | 800 871,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2000. | 332 738,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2000. | 310 618,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2000. | 335 292,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2000. | 318 470,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2000. | 312 950,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2000. | 586 541,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2000. | 490 306,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2000. | 341 779,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2000. | 313 372,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2000. | 315 637,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2000. | 329 400,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2000. | 789 928,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2001. | 342 700,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2001. | 310 601,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2001. | 335 177,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2001. | 319 558,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2001. | 315 256,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2001. | 584 912,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2001. | 494 803,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2001. | 339 431,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2001. | 312 016,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2001. | 314 561,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2001. | 329 299,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2001. | 770 876,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2002. | 327 370,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2002. | 307 876,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2002. | 335 137,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2002. | 316 587,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2002. | 309 051,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2002. | 571 874,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2002. | 460 952,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2002. | 327 209,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2002. | 308 386,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2002. | 313 117,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2002. | 326 351,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2002. | 751 558,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2003. | 326 455,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2003. | 308 772,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2003. | 331 511,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2003. | 314 778,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2003. | 311 999,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2003. | 592 426,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2003. | 458 142,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2003. | 322 343,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2003. | 311 737,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2003. | 314 442,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2003. | 328 992,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2003. | 753 876,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2004. | 310 321,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2004. | 302 156,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2004. | 314 058,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2004. | 309 070,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2004. | 303 464,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2004. | 560 519,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2004. | 442 574,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2004. | 316 012,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2004. | 303 176,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2004. | 305 910,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2004. | 328 250,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2004. | 725 304,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2005. | 312 768,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2005. | 303 358,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2005. | 313 062,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2005. | 311 690,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2005. | 305 479,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2005. | 569 304,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2005. | 452 383,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2005. | 312 040,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2005. | 305 169,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2005. | 307 531,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2005. | 329 150,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2005. | 740 378,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2006. | 313 278,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2006. | 306 980,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2006. | 317 675,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2006. | 314 527,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2006. | 309 948,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2006. | 581 699,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2006. | 456 418,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2006. | 311 953,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2006. | 307 180,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2006. | 309 648,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2006. | 331 181,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2006. | 748 529,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2007. | 306 614,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2007. | 301 447,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2007. | 315 592,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2007. | 311 569,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2007. | 306 867,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2007. | 573 522,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2007. | 440 010,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2007. | 311 171,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2007. | 303 649,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2007. | 306 409,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2007. | 328 795,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2007. | 720 733,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2008. | 313 444,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2008. | 306 545,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2008. | 321 390,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2008. | 314 347,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2008. | 310 063,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2008. | 578 170,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2008. | 441 373,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2008. | 312 883,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2008. | 303 940,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2008. | 306 109,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2008. | 326 431,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2008. | 715 290,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2009. | 297 734,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2009. | 292 957,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2009. | 301 623,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2009. | 299 064,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2009. | 296 908,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2009. | 513 651,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2009. | 405 749,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2009. | 299 397,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2009. | 293 436,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2009. | 295 889,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2009. | 311 172,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2009. | 655 229,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2010. | 298 773,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2010. | 291 696,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2010. | 307 518,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2010. | 307 390,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2010. | 298 267,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2010. | 530 947,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2010. | 415 675,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2010. | 301 710,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2010. | 297 282,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2010. | 298 480,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2010. | 313 202,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2010. | 661 040,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2011. | 303 301,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2011. | 294 764,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2011. | 308 743,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2011. | 302 655,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2011. | 303 276,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2011. | 529 987,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2011. | 421 162,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2011. | 300 727,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2011. | 297 954,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2011. | 300 877,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2011. | 314 536,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2011. | 668 706,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2012. | 298 433,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2012. | 295 354,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2012. | 312 267,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2012. | 304 550,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2012. | 299 091,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2012. | 526 322,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2012. | 410 781,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2012. | 301 132,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2012. | 296 165,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2012. | 298 368,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2012. | 307 255,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2012. | 653 732,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2013. | 301 314,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2013. | 293 617,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2013. | 309 471,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2013. | 305 540,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2013. | 300 583,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2013. | 536 520,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2013. | 410 381,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2013. | 300 558,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2013. | 297 404,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2013. | 300 352,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2013. | 313 109,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2013. | 665 319,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2014. | 301 943,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2014. | 295 048,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2014. | 314 308,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2014. | 310 145,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2014. | 304 712,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2014. | 550 765,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2014. | 428 536,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2014. | 305 640,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2014. | 301 866,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2014. | 303 279,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2014. | 315 165,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2014. | 680 908,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2015. | 299 300,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2015. | 291 026,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2015. | 310 179,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2015. | 307 776,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2015. | 304 272,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2015. | 525 278,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2015. | 425 302,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2015. | 300 759,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2015. | 297 221,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2015. | 300 613,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2015. | 311 345,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2015. | 663 294,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2016. | 302 423,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2016. | 294 564,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2016. | 316 043,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2016. | 308 363,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2016. | 305 426,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2016. | 538 176,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2016. | 430 762,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2016. | 302 621,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2016. | 298 497,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2016. | 301 889,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2016. | 314 492,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2016. | 672 846,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2017. | 304 862,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2017. | 296 164,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2017. | 316 229,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2017. | 310 837,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2017. | 307 838,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2017. | 539 334,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2017. | 430 454,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2017. | 303 752,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2017. | 302 340,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2017. | 302 685,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2017. | 317 571,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2017. | 678 901,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2018. | 304 060,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2018. | 296 697,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2018. | 321 919,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2018. | 310 608,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2018. | 311 618,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2018. | 552 565,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2018. | 434 980,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2018. | 306 215,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2018. | 303 395,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2018. | 306 464,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2018. | 323 511,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2018. | 690 335,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2019. | 304 702,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2019. | 296 288,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2019. | 318 372,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2019. | 311 007,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2019. | 311 766,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2019. | 558 376,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2019. | 425 563,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2019. | 306 682,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2019. | 304 935,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2019. | 305 654,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2019. | 323 618,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2019. | 686 201,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2020. | 306 787,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2020. | 298 503,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2020. | 317 690,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2020. | 307 664,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2020. | 301 517,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2020. | 542 556,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2020. | 419 466,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2020. | 302 116,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2020. | 300 769,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2020. | 302 666,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2020. | 315 332,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2020. | 665 650,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2021. | 304 569,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2021. | 298 047,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2021. | 319 903,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2021. | 313 716,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2021. | 309 110,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2021. | 546 754,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2021. | 425 601,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2021. | 305 945,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2021. | 304 525,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2021. | 305 596,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2021. | 319 111,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2021. | 668 518,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2022. | 310 087,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2022. | 305 157,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2022. | 330 619,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2022. | 321 785,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2022. | 314 136,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2022. | 561 918,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2022. | 439 461,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2022. | 313 414,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2022. | 314 098,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2022. | 312 841,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2022. | 328 417,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2022. | 702 042,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2023. | 316 337,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2023. | 309 496,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2023. | 335 655,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2023. | 324 953,00 JPY/Month |
1.05.2023. | 327 254,00 JPY/Month |
1.06.2023. | 580 898,00 JPY/Month |
1.07.2023. | 446 498,00 JPY/Month |
1.08.2023. | 318 026,00 JPY/Month |
1.09.2023. | 317 453,00 JPY/Month |
1.10.2023. | 319 761,00 JPY/Month |
1.11.2023. | 330 677,00 JPY/Month |
1.12.2023. | 712 675,00 JPY/Month |
1.01.2024. | 320 657,00 JPY/Month |
1.02.2024. | 313 408,00 JPY/Month |
1.03.2024. | 339 957,00 JPY/Month |
1.04.2024. | 332 301,00 JPY/Month |
Algas Vēsture
Datums | Vērtība |
1.04.2024. | 332 301 JPY/mēnesis |
1.03.2024. | 339 957 JPY/mēnesis |
1.02.2024. | 313 408 JPY/mēnesis |
1.01.2024. | 320 657 JPY/mēnesis |
1.12.2023. | 712 675 JPY/mēnesis |
1.11.2023. | 330 677 JPY/mēnesis |
1.10.2023. | 319 761 JPY/mēnesis |
1.09.2023. | 317 453 JPY/mēnesis |
1.08.2023. | 318 026 JPY/mēnesis |
1.07.2023. | 446 498 JPY/mēnesis |
Līdzīgi makroekonomiskie rādītāji Algas
Nosaukums | Pašreizējais | Iepriekšējais | Frekvence |
🇯🇵 Algu pieaugums | 2,1 % | 1 % | Mēneša |
🇯🇵 Bezdarba līmenis | 2,5 % | 2,4 % | Mēneša |
🇯🇵 Bezdarba līmenis jauniešu vidū | 3,7 % | 3,3 % | Mēneša |
🇯🇵 Bezdarbnieki | 1,74 milj. | 1,7 milj. | Mēneša |
🇯🇵 Daļēja darba laika nodarbinātība | 7,749 milj. | 7,834 milj. | Mēneša |
🇯🇵 Darba vietu un pieteikumu attiecība | 1,24 | 1,26 | Mēneša |
🇯🇵 Iedzīvotāji | 124,3 milj. | 124,95 milj. | Gada |
🇯🇵 Iegādes līmenis | 63,3 % | 63,1 % | Mēneša |
🇯🇵 Minimālās algas | 1002 JPY/Hour | 961 JPY/Hour | Gada |
🇯🇵 Nodarbinātības līmenis | 61,4 % | 61,2 % | Mēneša |
🇯🇵 Nodarbinātie | 67,61 milj. | 67,51 milj. | Mēneša |
🇯🇵 Pārmaksas par virsstundām YoY | -0,6 % | -0,5 % | Mēneša |
🇯🇵 Pensijas vecums sievietēm | 64 Years | 64 Years | Gada |
🇯🇵 Pensijas vecums vīriešiem | 64 Years | 64 Years | Gada |
🇯🇵 pilna laika nodarbinātība | 23,77 milj. | 23,009 milj. | Mēneša |
🇯🇵 Produktivitāte | 103,5 points | 98,5 points | Mēneša |
🇯🇵 Ražošanas algas | 359 246 JPY/Month | 889 663 JPY/Month | Mēneša |
🇯🇵 Reālā peļņa bez bonusiem | 1,1 % | -1,3 % | Mēneša |
🇯🇵 Reālais ienākums, ieskaitot bonusus | -1,8 % | 0,6 % | Mēneša |
🇯🇵 Vakanču saraksts | 837 082 | 819 178 | Mēneša |
Japānā algas tiek noteiktas, izmantojot vidējos mēneša ienākumus.
Makroekonomisko vietņu izklāsts citām valstīm Āzija
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Kas ir Algas
Wages, or "algas" in Latvian, constitute a critical component of macroeconomic analysis. They represent the compensation employees receive for their labor and serve as a fundamental indicator of economic health and livelihood standards within a nation. The examination of wages provides essential insights into various economic dynamics, including consumer spending, inflation, productivity, and income distribution. On Eulerpool, a premier platform for macroeconomic data, we present an exhaustive analysis of wages, offering a valuable resource for economists, policymakers, and researchers interested in the Latvian economy. Firstly, it is important to understand that wages are influenced by a multitude of factors. These include labor supply and demand, levels of education and skill among the workforce, sectoral composition of the economy, and institutional factors such as labor laws and collective bargaining agreements. In Latvia, as in many other countries, these factors interplay to shape the wage landscape. For instance, sectors with high demand for specialized skills often offer higher wages to attract and retain talent. Conversely, sectors with an oversupply of labor may experience wage stagnation or even decline. The analysis of wages in Latvia must begin with an understanding of the average wage rate. According to data from Latvia's Central Statistical Bureau, the average gross monthly wage in recent years has shown a steady increase. This rise is attributable to several factors, including economic growth, productivity gains, and an upward adjustment of the minimum wage. The minimum wage, an essential floor for wage distribution, ensures that the lowest-paid workers receive a base level of compensation. In Latvia, policy adjustments to the minimum wage are periodically made to reflect inflation and living cost increases, thereby supporting low-income earners and reducing poverty levels. Another crucial aspect to consider is the wage distribution across different sectors. In Latvia, significant wage disparities exist between various economic sectors. Typically, industries such as information and communication technology, finance, and professional services tend to offer higher wages due to the specialized skills required and the high value-added nature of these industries. On the other hand, sectors such as agriculture, retail, and hospitality generally offer lower wages, reflecting the lower skill requirements and the higher labor supply in these fields. Understanding these sectoral differences is vital for comprehensively analyzing the macroeconomic implications of wage trends. Wages also play a pivotal role in macroeconomic indicators like inflation. Wage inflation, a scenario where wages increase faster than productivity, can lead to cost-push inflation. This happens when businesses raise prices to cover the higher labor costs, thereby contributing to overall inflationary pressures in the economy. Conversely, stagnating wages can have the opposite effect, reducing consumer spending and slowing down economic growth. Thus, monitoring wage trends is essential for maintaining a balanced macroeconomic environment. Labor market policies and institutional arrangements are equally important in shaping the wage structure. Latvia's labor market policies, including regulations on working hours, overtime pay, and collective bargaining agreements, significantly impact wage levels. Collective bargaining, where labor unions negotiate with employers on behalf of employees, can result in higher wages and better working conditions. In Latvia, though union membership is not as widespread as in some other European countries, the role of collective bargaining remains an integral part of the wage-setting mechanism in certain sectors. Moreover, wages are closely linked to productivity. In a healthy economy, wage growth is ideally aligned with productivity improvements. Higher productivity means that workers can produce more output per hour, which should, in turn, justify higher wages. In Latvia, various initiatives aimed at enhancing productivity, such as investments in education, technological advancements, and infrastructure development, directly influence wage growth. Income inequality, reflected in wage disparities, is another critical issue in macroeconomic analysis. High wage inequality can lead to social unrest and economic inefficiencies. In Latvia, measures to reduce wage inequality include progressive taxation, social security contributions, and targeted social welfare programs. These policies aim to redistribute income and provide a safety net for the economically disadvantaged, thereby fostering social cohesion and economic stability. Foreign direct investment (FDI) also impacts wages. FDI can lead to wage increases through the introduction of advanced technologies and management practices, leading to higher productivity. In Latvia, FDI has been instrumental in driving growth in high-wage sectors such as information technology and manufacturing. However, the benefits of FDI are not universally distributed, and the challenge lies in ensuring that FDI-driven wage growth extends across different sectors and regions. Demographic changes, such as aging populations and migration, further influence wage trends. In Latvia, the aging population may lead to labor shortages, driving up wages in certain sectors. Conversely, emigration of skilled workers can create labor market imbalances, affecting wage dynamics. Policies aimed at attracting and retaining skilled workers, along with measures to integrate immigrants into the workforce, are essential for maintaining a balanced labor market and stable wage growth. In conclusion, wages are a multifaceted element of the macroeconomic landscape, encompassing a range of influences from market dynamics, policy measures, sectoral distribution, productivity, and demographic shifts. On Eulerpool, our comprehensive data and analysis on wages in Latvia provide crucial insights for understanding the broader economic context. By examining wage trends and their underlying factors, we enable stakeholders to make informed decisions, whether in policy formulation, economic forecasting, or business strategy. As Latvia continues to develop and integrate into the global economy, the analysis of wages remains a critical area for fostering a prosperous and equitable society.