Bearbeiterurheberrecht Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff Bearbeiterurheberrecht für Deutschland.

Bearbeiterurheberrecht Definition

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Definition: Bearbeiterurheberrecht is a legal term used in German copyright law to refer to the copyright of adaptations or derivative works.

It applies to individuals who have made substantial creative contributions to existing works, resulting in a new intellectual creation with its own copyright protection. The term "Bearbeiter" refers to the individual who has worked on the adaptation, while "Urheberrecht" denotes copyright. In Germany, the concept of Bearbeiterurheberrecht is crucial in determining the rights and obligations of both the original copyright holder and the Bearbeiter. It recognizes the Bearbeiter's contributions as distinct from the original work, ensuring their rights to the new creation while respecting the rights of the original copyright holder. To qualify for Bearbeiterurheberrecht, the Bearbeiter's contributions must demonstrate an adequate level of originality and creative effort, resulting in a work that is substantially different from the original. Bearbeiterurheberrecht covers various aspects, including the rights of the Bearbeiter, the obligations towards the original copyright holder, and the protection of the adaptation itself. The Bearbeiter holds the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, display, perform, or modify the adapted work. However, certain limitations may apply, depending on the purpose and nature of the adaptation. The original copyright holder maintains the right to be acknowledged as the author of the original work and to object to any distortion or modification that could harm their reputation. In the digital era, Bearbeiterurheberrecht also extends to online platforms, social media, and other digital environments. The Bearbeiter retains the right to control the adaptation's display or publication on these platforms, ensuring fair remuneration for their creative efforts. recognizes the importance of Bearbeiterurheberrecht within the broader context of capital markets. As the premier resource for investors seeking comprehensive industry insights, our glossary aims to provide clarity on complex legal concepts like Bearbeiterurheberrecht. By offering accurate and accessible explanations, we empower investors to navigate the intricate landscape of capital markets with confidence. Please explore our glossary at for further peerless definitions and explanations of essential investment terms across stocks, loans, bonds, money markets, and cryptocurrencies.


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