Quanta dividenda paga Amarin Corporations PCL 2025?
Secondo gli ultimi dati del Marzo 2025, Amarin Corporations PCL ha pagato un dividendo totale di 0,29 THB per azione negli ultimi 12 mesi. Al prezzo attuale di Amarin Corporations PCL di 2,46 THB, ciò corrisponde a un rendimento da dividendo del 11,79 %.
Viene distribuito un dividendo volte all'anno.
11,79 % Rendimento da dividendo | = | 0,29 THB Dividendo | 2,46 THB Prezzo delle azioni |
La Amarin Corporations PCL Dividende è sicura?
Amarin Corporations PCL aumenta il dividendo da 2 anni.
Nell'arco degli ultimi 10 anni, Amarin Corporations PCL ha ridotto questa del -10,323 % annuo.
Su un periodo di 5 anni vario la distribuzione è aumentata del 0 %.
Gli analisti prevedono per l'anno fiscale in corso un Riduzione del dividendo del -100,000%.
Amarin Corporations PCL Aktienanalyse
Cosa fa Amarin Corporations PCL?
Amarin Printing and Publishing PCL is a company based in Bangkok, Thailand, that has been operating in the publishing and printing industry for over 60 years. The company was founded in 1957 by the Narksawat family and quickly grew to become a leader in the industry.
Business model:
Amarin Printing and Publishing PCL operates primarily in two areas, namely as a publisher and as a printing company. The publishing division includes a wide range of magazines, newspapers, books, and other publications. The printing company offers a variety of printing services, including offset printing, digital printing, and screen printing.
With its high-quality print products and publications in various languages, Amarin Printing and Publishing is one of the key printing and publishing companies in Thailand. The company also operates internationally and has partners in different countries.
The publishing division of Amarin Printing and Publishing is divided into several areas, including:
1. Lifestyle: Includes magazines such as "Golf Today," "Bangkok Best Dining and Entertainment," and "Fah Thai" – a magazine produced by Thai Airways and offered onboard.
2. Interior Design and Architecture: This area includes magazines such as "Home & Decoration," "Condo Living," and "Tropical Living."
3. Food and Beverage: Here we find magazines such as "Wine & Dine" and "Thai Tasty."
4. Travel: "Travel" and "Woman Today" offer inspiring travel destinations and recommended hotels and restaurants.
5. Health and Wellness: This area includes magazines such as "Amarin Baby & Kids," "Healthy Living," and "Amarin Health & Beauty."
Amarin Printing and Publishing offers a variety of products and services, including:
1. Magazines: Amarin Printing and Publishing is known for its high-quality magazines in various categories, including travel, lifestyle, cooking, and interior design.
2. Books: The company also publishes a variety of books, ranging from travel and cookbooks to art and design books.
3. Commercial Prints: Amarin Printing and Publishing also offers printing services for advertising materials such as brochures, flyers, and posters.
4. Packaging: The printing company also provides comprehensive packaging solutions such as folding cartons, labels, and packaging materials.
Amarin Printing and Publishing PCL is a company based in Bangkok, Thailand, that has been operating in the publishing and printing industry for over 60 years. The company is known for its high-quality magazines, books, and print products. With its wide range of publications and high-quality printing, Amarin Printing and Publishing is a key player in the printing and publishing industry. Amarin Corporations PCL è una delle aziende più popolari su Eulerpool.com.I piani di accumulo in azioni offrono un'opportunità attraente per gli investitori di costruire patrimonio a lungo termine. Uno dei principali vantaggi è l'effetto del costo medio ponderato: investendo regolarmente un importo fisso in azioni o fondi azionari, si acquistano automaticamente più quote quando i prezzi sono bassi e meno quando sono alti. Questo può portare a un prezzo medio per quota più vantaggioso nel tempo. Inoltre, i piani di accumulo in azioni permettono anche ai piccoli investitori di accedere a titoli costosi, poiché è possibile partecipare già con piccole somme. L'investimento regolare promuove anche una strategia di investimento disciplinata e aiuta a evitare decisioni emotive, come acquisti o vendite impulsive. In aggiunta, gli investitori beneficiano dell'incremento potenziale del valore delle azioni nonché delle distribuzioni di dividendi, che possono essere reinvestiti, incrementando l'effetto degli interessi composti e quindi la crescita del capitale investito.