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2 eurótól biztosítható

Ciprus Menedékkérelmek


170 persons
Változás +/-
-110 persons
Változás %
-48,89 %

A Ciprus országban a Menedékkérelmek jelenlegi értéke 170 persons. A Menedékkérelmek Ciprus országban 2024. 06. 01. dátumra 170 persons értékre csökkent, miután 2024. 05. 01. dátumon 280 persons volt. 2008. 01. 01. és 2024. 06. 01. között az átlagos GDP Ciprus országban 525,71 persons volt. Az eddigi legmagasabb értéket 2022. 05. 01. napon érte el 2560,00 persons, míg a legalacsonyabb értéket 2020. 05. 01. napon rögzítették 30,00 persons értékkel.



  • Max

Menekültügyi kérelmek

Menedékkérelmek Története

2024. 06. 01.170 persons
2024. 05. 01.280 persons
2024. 04. 01.1525 persons
2024. 03. 01.1140 persons
2024. 02. 01.800 persons
2024. 01. 01.975 persons
2023. 12. 01.1025 persons
2023. 11. 01.1425 persons
2023. 10. 01.1095 persons
2023. 09. 01.730 persons

Hasonló makrogazdasági mutatók Menedékkérelmek-hoz

3,1 % of GDP2,7 % of GDPÉvente
Állami bevételek
3,283 milliárd EUR3,826 milliárd EURNegyedév
Állami kiadások
2,684 milliárd EUR3,781 milliárd EURNegyedév
Állami kiadások
1,169 milliárd EUR1,169 milliárd EURNegyedév
Az államadósság a GDP-hez viszonyítva
77,3 % of GDP85,6 % of GDPÉvente
Az államháztartás értéke
45,1 Mió. EUR811,4 Mió. EURNegyedév
Az államháztartási kiadások a GDP-hez képest
40,2 % of GDP38,8 % of GDPÉvente
Katonai kiadások
566,9 Mió. USD523,5 Mió. USDÉvente
Korrupciós index
53 Points52 PointsÉvente
Korrupciós rangsor
49 51 Évente

A menedékkérelmek az oldalon az első alkalommal benyújtott menedékkérelmekre vonatkoznak. Az adatokat az Eurostat, a Nemzeti Belügyminisztériumok és más hivatalos ügynökségek szolgáltatják az Eulerpool számára.

Mi a(z) Menedékkérelmek?

Asylum Applications also known in Hungarian as Menedékkérelmek, is a critical category in the field of macroeconomics that Eulerpool places significant emphasis on. This category encompasses the number of applications submitted by individuals seeking refuge or protection from persecution, serious harm, or other risks threatening their safety in their home countries. Understanding the dynamics and the factors that influence asylum applications is fundamental to grasping broader socio-economic patterns and trends impacting both host and origin countries. In recent years, global political instability, conflicts, and economic disparities have led to significant movements of people across borders. Asylum applications serve as an important indicator of such migrations and the resultant socio-economic stress on host countries. They point towards urgent humanitarian needs and the capacities of destination countries to accommodate and integrate newcomers. Tracking the volume, origin, and outcomes of asylum applications is therefore crucial for policymakers, economists, and humanitarian organizations. Hungary, like other European Union member states, has experienced fluctuations in asylum application numbers over the years. These fluctuations can be attributed to various factors including changes in international conflicts, variations in national and EU-level migration policies, and socio-economic conditions in the countries of origin. For instance, the refugee crisis in 2015 saw a marked increase in asylum applications across Europe, including Hungary. This necessitated a coordinated response to ensure the fair and humane treatment of applicants while safeguarding national interests. From a macroeconomic perspective, the influx of asylum seekers can have diverse impacts on a country's economy. Initially, there might be an increased burden on public services such as housing, healthcare, and legal assistance. However, in the long term, successful integration of asylum seekers into the labor market can contribute positively to economic growth. This underscores the need for effective integration policies that can harness the potential of asylum seekers as valuable contributors to the economy. The data collected on asylum applications typically covers various aspects including the nationality of applicants, age and gender demographics, the location where the application was filed, and the resolution of each application (granted, rejected, or pending). Such granular data available on Eulerpool enables a comprehensive analysis which is instrumental for formulating responsive and informed policy decisions. In Hungary, the evolution of asylum applications has also been influenced by legislative changes and international agreements. The country has had to navigate its responsibilities under EU Asylum Policy while addressing domestic political concerns. For instance, the implementation of stricter border controls and the construction of physical barriers have been some of the measures taken to manage the flow of asylum seekers. These actions, while aimed at controlling illegal migration, also have significant economic implications, particularly concerning the costs involved and the impact on bilateral relations with neighboring countries. The socio-economic profile of asylum seekers is another important aspect to consider. Many asylum seekers tend to be young, which implies the potential for labor market integration and subsequent economic contribution if given the appropriate support. Conversely, the initial phase of settlement can be demanding, requiring substantial investment in terms of social services, education, and training. Understanding the trends and patterns of asylum applications is essential for both short-term humanitarian reasons and long-term economic planning. Policymakers must balance immediate responses to humanitarian needs with strategic initiatives that can foster integration and economic self-sufficiency of asylum seekers. This delicate balance requires accurate data, such as that provided by Eulerpool, to inform decisions and develop sustainable solutions. Moreover, the trends in asylum applications often reflect wider geopolitical developments and can serve as an early warning system for emerging crises. Countries experiencing a surge in asylum applications may need to assess and possibly reorient their foreign policies and humanitarian aid strategies. By analyzing asylum application data, it is possible to gain insights into conflict zones and regions experiencing severe socio-economic hardships. For businesses and investors, understanding asylum application trends can be critical as well. Changes in population demographics and social dynamics influenced by immigration and asylum trends can affect labor markets, consumer behaviors, and overall economic stability. Eulerpool’s comprehensive and up-to-date data on asylum applications aids investors and business leaders in making informed decisions, adapting to changing markets, and recognizing new opportunities. In conclusion, the category of 'Asylum Applications' encapsulates a complex interplay of humanitarianism, policy response, and macroeconomic impacts. Eulerpool's detailed data representation in this area provides a valuable resource for gaining insights into these dynamics, supporting informed decision-making, and promoting a deeper understanding of the socio-economic consequences of asylum trends in Hungary and beyond. Through rigorous analysis and continuous monitoring of asylum application data, stakeholders can better navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by global migration patterns.