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Tajvan Proizvodnja cementa


1,076 mil. Tonnes
Promjena +/-
+348.271 Tonnes
Promjena %
+38,63 %

Trenutna vrijednost Proizvodnja cementa u Tajvan iznosi 1,076 mil. Tonnes. Proizvodnja cementa u Tajvan povećala se na 1,076 mil. Tonnes dana 01. 03. 2024., nakon što je bila 727.446 Tonnes dana 01. 02. 2024.. Od 01. 01. 1981. do 01. 03. 2024., prosječni BDP u Tajvan bio je 1,38 mil. Tonnes. Najviša vrijednost je dosegnuta dana 01. 12. 1992. s 2,20 mil. Tonnes, dok je najniža vrijednost zabilježena dana 01. 02. 2024. s 727.446,00 Tonnes.

Izvor: Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan

Proizvodnja cementa

  • Max

Proizvodnja cementa

Proizvodnja cementa Povijest

01. 03. 2024.1,076 mil. Tonnes
01. 02. 2024.727.446 Tonnes
01. 01. 2024.856.62 Tonnes
01. 12. 2023.780.157 Tonnes
01. 11. 2023.852.247 Tonnes
01. 10. 2023.847.583 Tonnes
01. 09. 2023.854.212 Tonnes
01. 08. 2023.1,051 mil. Tonnes
01. 07. 2023.810.405 Tonnes
01. 06. 2023.736.088 Tonnes

Slični makroekonomski pokazatelji za Proizvodnja cementa

Automobilska proizvodnja
26.702 Units17.806 UnitsMjesečno
Indeks menadžera nabave u proizvodnji (PMI)
50,8 points51,5 pointsMjesečno
Indeks usklađenosti
92,18 points91,58 pointsMjesečno
Industrijska proizvodnja
11,22 %13,42 %Mjesečno
Industrijska proizvodnja mjesečno
0,54 %−0,67 %Mjesečno
Novonaručene dionice
48,891 milijardi USD47,096 milijardi USDMjesečno
16,7 %14,79 %Mjesečno
Promjene u razini zaliha
6,925 milijardi TWD−35,407 milijardi TWDKvartal
Rani pokazatelj
91,5 points91,3 pointsMjesečno
Registracije vozila
23,161 mil. 23,151 mil. Mjesečno
Rudarska proizvodnja
−1,52 %−7,35 %Mjesečno
2.623 Companies2.508 CompaniesMjesečno

Što je Proizvodnja cementa

Cement Production, or "Proizvodnja Cementa" in Croatian, is a cornerstone of the construction industry and serves as an essential foundation for infrastructure development across the globe. For economic analysts and professionals in the macroeconomic field, understanding the intricacies of cement production is crucial. At Eulerpool, our goal is to provide comprehensive macroeconomic data, and our analysis of the Cement Production category aims to shed light on this pivotal industry. Cement, a key binder in concrete, is produced through a complex process that involves the extraction of raw materials, their processing, and the final production of cement. The raw materials, primarily limestone and clay, are extracted in large quarries and transported to cement plants. There, they undergo a rigorous series of processes including crushing, grinding, and blending. The blend is then heated in large kilns at temperatures around 1450°C to form clinker, an intermediate product. Finally, clinker is ground with gypsum and other additives to produce cement. The production of cement is inherently energy-intensive and contributes significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions. The industry is responsible for about 7-8% of the world's CO2 emissions due to the combustion process and the chemical transformation of limestone. Thus, examining cement production from a macroeconomic standpoint involves not only analyzing economic output and demand but also understanding regulatory constraints, technological advancements, and environmental impact. In Croatia, cement production plays a vital role in the national economy, contributing to both GDP and employment. The country's rich deposits of limestone make it an ideal location for cement manufacturing. Several major plants operate within Croatia, producing a substantial quantity of cement, both for domestic use and export. The industry supports a wide range of secondary businesses, from transportation and logistics to construction and engineering firms. The demand for cement in Croatia, as in many other nations, is closely tied to infrastructure development and the health of the construction sector. Government spending on infrastructure projects, urbanization trends, and population growth all influence cement consumption. Additionally, private sector investment in residential and commercial buildings significantly impacts the demand curve. During periods of economic expansion, cement production typically rises to meet increased construction demand. Conversely, during economic downturns, production may decline as construction projects are delayed or canceled. Cement production also has significant backward and forward linkages in the economy. Upstream, the sector drives demand for equipment, machinery, and energy supplies. Downstream, it provides essential inputs for construction and infrastructure projects. Understanding these linkages is crucial for macroeconomic analysts as they gauge the multiplier effects of cement production on the broader economy. From a global perspective, Croatia's cement industry, while influential domestically, must also navigate the complexities of international trade and competition. The European Union's market dynamics, regulatory standards, and trade policies significantly shape the landscape in which Croatian cement producers operate. EU regulations on carbon emissions and sustainability have pushed the industry toward adopting more energy-efficient technologies and greener production methods. Croatian firms must adhere to these standards while remaining competitive against both European and non-European producers. Technological innovation is another critical factor influencing cement production. Advancements in manufacturing processes, such as the use of alternative fuels and raw materials, have the potential to reduce environmental impact and lower production costs. Additionally, the development of new types of cement and concrete, including those with improved durability and performance characteristics, can open up new markets and applications. Croatian producers who invest in R&D and innovative technologies are better positioned to meet future challenges and capitalize on new opportunities. At Eulerpool, our analysis of macroeconomic data in the Cement Production category includes tracking production volumes, capacity utilization rates, and investment levels in the industry. We also monitor price trends for cement and its raw materials, as well as input costs such as energy prices. By correlating these factors with economic indicators like GDP growth, construction activity, and government infrastructure spending, we provide valuable insights for stakeholders. Environmental sustainability is a growing concern for the cement industry globally and in Croatia. The push towards reducing carbon footprints and adhering to environmental regulations necessitates significant investments in cleaner technologies and practices. Croatian manufacturers are increasingly focusing on reducing their environmental impact through measures such as energy-efficient kilns, carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies, and the increased use of alternative fuels such as waste-derived fuels. The social dimension of cement production, including its impact on communities and employment, is another vital area of focus. The industry provides thousands of jobs, ranging from mining and quarrying to plant operations and logistics. Ensuring sustainable development and maintaining good community relations are essential for the long-term viability and social license to operate for cement producers. In summary, the Cement Production sector is a vital component of Croatia's economy and a significant focus area for macroeconomic analysis. At Eulerpool, we strive to provide detailed and comprehensive data that captures the multifaceted nature of this industry. By examining production processes, market dynamics, technological advancements, environmental impact, and social factors, we aim to equip our audience with the knowledge they need to understand and navigate the complexities of the cement production landscape. Through our platform, stakeholders can access reliable data and insights that support informed decision-making and strategic planning in the Cement Production sector.