Je li Safilo Group SpA dividenda sigurna?
Safilo Group SpA povećava dividendu već 2 godina.
U posljednjih 10 godina, Safilo Group SpA je ovo povećao/povećala za godišnjih 0 % snižen.
Na petogodišnjoj razini pao isplata se povećala za 0 %.
Analitičari za tekuću poslovnu godinu očekuju rast od Smanjenje dividende% na 0%.
Safilo Group SpA Aktienanalyse
Što radi Safilo Group SpA?
The Safilo Group SPA is a global company for glasses and sunglasses based in Italy. It was founded in 1934 by Guglielmo Tabacchi and has since had a long and successful history. The name Safilo comes from the initials of Stabilimenti Affini Livornesi Industriali Ottici (German: optically-affiliated industrial works of Livorno).
Safilo Group's business model is focused on a wide range of brands, including some of the most well-known names in the eyewear industry. The company serves many different target audiences and markets, covering both the high-end and entry-level price segments. Safilo produces for dozens of luxury designers and has licensing agreements with many of them to manufacture glasses and sunglasses, as well as sports and ski goggles. Well-known licensees include Dior, Fendi, and Tommy Hilfiger.
Safilo Group is also a major provider of private labels for large retailers and optical chains, including chains like LensCrafters or Pearle Vision. Overall, Safilo Group serves more than 100,000 optical retailers worldwide.
The product range of Safilo Group is diverse and includes prescription glasses, sunglasses, sports goggles, and ski goggles. The product range extends from affordable products for the mass market to exclusive luxury products for discerning customers. Over the years, Safilo has also developed a special expertise in sports goggles.
Safilo Group invests heavily in research and development to provide innovative technologies and materials for its products. The use of polymer plastics and metals brings the glasses and sunglasses to the highest level.
Safilo Group is internationally present and has subsidiaries in many countries, including the USA, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Russia, and Europe. Safilo has 14 production facilities, with 5 of them located in Italy. In addition, the group maintains a comprehensive network of distribution and service offices worldwide.
Overall, Safilo employs more than 14,000 people and operates in over 40 countries worldwide. In 2019, the company generated revenue of 939 million euros.
Safilo Group is a company that focuses on brands and innovation and continues to expand its competitive advantage by strengthening its relationships and partnerships with designers and retailers around the world. Safilo Group SpA je jedna od najpopularnijih kompanija naäne nude atraktivnu mogućnost za investitore za dugoročno stvaranje imovine. Jedna od glavnih prednosti je tzv. efekt prosječenja troškova: investirajući redovito fiksni iznos u dionice ili dioničke fondove, automatski se kupuje više udjela kada su cijene niske, a manje kada su visoke. To može dovesti do povoljnijeg prosječnog cijene po udjelu tijekom vremena. Osim toga, Aktiensparpläne omogućavaju i malim investitorima pristup skupim dionicama, jer mogu sudjelovati već s malim iznosima. Redovita investicija također promiče discipliniranu strategiju ulaganja i pomaže izbjeći emocionalne odluke, poput impulzivne kupnje ili prodaje. Pored toga, investitori profitiraju od potencijalnog povećanja vrijednosti dionica kao i od isplata dividendi koje mogu biti reinvestirane, što pojačava učinak kamatnog kamata i time rast uloženog kapitala.