Je li Pembina Pipeline dividenda sigurna?
Pembina Pipeline povećava dividendu već 2 godina.
U posljednjih 10 godina, Pembina Pipeline je ovo povećao/povećala za godišnjih 4,903 % povećan.
Na petogodišnjoj razini porastao isplata se povećala za 3,458 %.
Analitičari za tekuću poslovnu godinu očekuju rast od Povećanje dividendi% na 1,071%.
Pembina Pipeline Aktienanalyse
Što radi Pembina Pipeline?
Pembina Pipeline Corp is a Canadian company operating in the oil and gas industry. It was founded in 1954 with the goal of building a pipeline between Alberta and British Columbia. Over time, Pembina has become one of the leading pipeline companies in North America, offering a wide range of products and services focused on the transportation of oil, gas, and other commodities.
Pembina's business model is based on operating pipelines and infrastructure facilities that enable the transportation of oil, gas, and other energy-related products. The company is divided into five business segments, each offering different products and services:
1. Pipelines: This segment includes Pembina's key pipelines that enable the transportation of crude oil, natural gas, and liquefied gases.
2. Midstream: Pembina offers various services that support the extraction, processing, and refining of oil and gas worldwide.
3. Gas: Pembina operates a range of facilities to efficiently gather, process, and transport natural gas.
4. Marketing and new projects: Pembina maintains strategic relationships with oil and gas producers to market their products and support the development of new areas.
5. Oil Sands & Mining: Pembina operates various facilities related to the oil sands and mining economy in Canada.
In addition to pipeline infrastructure, Pembina also provides a variety of other services, including oil and gas terminals, storage tanks, distribution networks, processing plants, and other services. These services can be utilized by clients from various sectors of the oil and gas industry.
Pembina is headquartered in Calgary, Alberta and employs approximately 5,000 people. The company is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange and is led by an experienced management team with extensive industry knowledge.
Overall, Pembina Pipeline Corp has established a strong presence in the oil and gas industry and enjoys a high reputation in the field. The company is committed to environmental protection and sustainability and has taken a leading role in the development of eco-friendly technologies and practices throughout the industry. As a key partner for oil and gas producers in North America, Pembina remains an important driving force in the energy industry. Pembina Pipeline je jedna od najpopularnijih kompanija naäne nude atraktivnu mogućnost za investitore za dugoročno stvaranje imovine. Jedna od glavnih prednosti je tzv. efekt prosječenja troškova: investirajući redovito fiksni iznos u dionice ili dioničke fondove, automatski se kupuje više udjela kada su cijene niske, a manje kada su visoke. To može dovesti do povoljnijeg prosječnog cijene po udjelu tijekom vremena. Osim toga, Aktiensparpläne omogućavaju i malim investitorima pristup skupim dionicama, jer mogu sudjelovati već s malim iznosima. Redovita investicija također promiče discipliniranu strategiju ulaganja i pomaže izbjeći emocionalne odluke, poput impulzivne kupnje ili prodaje. Pored toga, investitori profitiraju od potencijalnog povećanja vrijednosti dionica kao i od isplata dividendi koje mogu biti reinvestirane, što pojačava učinak kamatnog kamata i time rast uloženog kapitala.
Dionica Pembina Pipeline je dostupna za štedne planove kod sljedećih pružatelja usluga: Trade Republic