Preisbindung zweiter Hand Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff Preisbindung zweiter Hand für Deutschland.

Preisbindung zweiter Hand Definition

עשה את ההשקעות הטובות ביותר של חייך

מתחילים מ-2 אירו

Preisbindung zweiter Hand

Definition: Preisbindung zweiter Hand (also known as "second-hand price fixing" in English) is a term used in capital markets to describe a practice in which the price of a security or financial instrument is determined by referencing the price of a similar security in the secondary market. In the context of capital markets, Preisbindung zweiter Hand occurs when the price of a particular security, such as a stock, bond, or cryptocurrency, is influenced by the prevailing market price of comparable securities in the secondary market.

This practice is driven by the principle that market participants deem the price of a security to be a reflection of its underlying value or perceived worth. The process of Preisbindung zweiter Hand involves analyzing the trading activity, transaction history, and prevailing market conditions of similar securities that have been previously traded in the secondary market. By comparing these data points, investors, traders, and market analysts can gain insights into the potential valuation and price trajectory of a security. This practice plays a crucial role in determining the fair value of securities, especially those that lack a transparent or readily available market price. Additionally, Preisbindung zweiter Hand helps investors make informed decisions by providing them with a benchmark against which they can evaluate the relative value of a security. In the context of equity research and financial news, the inclusion of Preisbindung zweiter Hand in analytical reports, articles, and market discussions enables market participants to comprehend the factors influencing security prices beyond their immediate supply and demand dynamics. Comprehensive knowledge of Preisbindung zweiter Hand assists investors in identifying trends, patterns, and potential investment opportunities within capital markets. At, the leading website for equity research and finance news, our commitment to providing accurate, reliable, and up-to-date information ensures that our readers benefit from a comprehensive understanding of Pricebindung zweiter Hand and its role in capital markets. Our team of expert analysts and researchers meticulously analyze the prevailing market conditions, secondary market trading activity, and relevant indicators to deliver valuable insights and facilitate well-informed investment decisions. Whether you are a seasoned investor, financial professional, or simply interested in staying ahead of the latest market trends, is your go-to platform for in-depth analysis, expert opinions, and comprehensive glossary resources. Our dedication to excellence and industry-leading standards is what sets us apart as a trusted source of information in the global capital markets. In conclusion, Preisbindung zweiter Hand refers to the practice of determining the price of a security based on the prevailing market price of similar securities in the secondary market. This crucial practice in capital markets allows investors to evaluate the fair value of securities and make informed investment decisions. is your premier destination for comprehensive market insights and a leading provider of relevant glossary resources catering to investors in stocks, loans, bonds, money markets, and cryptocurrencies.
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