Je li Sul America dividenda sigurna?
Sul America povećava dividendu već 1 godina.
U posljednjih 10 godina, Sul America je ovo povećao/povećala za godišnjih −9,947 % snižen.
Na petogodišnjoj razini pao isplata se povećala za −5,168 %.
Analitičari za tekuću poslovnu godinu očekuju rast od Povećanje dividendi% na 94,620%.
Sul America Aktienanalyse
Što radi Sul America?
Sul America SA is one of the oldest insurance companies in Brazil, headquartered in Rio de Janeiro. It was founded in 1895 by Leopoldo Froes, who served as the first director. The company's headquarters are still located in Rio de Janeiro, but Sul America SA now has branches throughout Brazil. The current board members are Patrick Larragoiti and Mathias Elena.
Sul America SA operates in three main areas: health insurance, asset management, and life insurance. The company places great importance on the diversity of its product offerings and therefore has a wide range of insurance products available.
In the health insurance sector, Sul America SA offers a variety of insurance products tailored to the needs of different customers. These include private health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, and accident insurance.
In the asset management sector, Sul America SA primarily focuses on wealth management. The company offers its clients a wide range of investment opportunities, including stocks, bonds, investment funds, and other financial instruments. Additionally, Sul America SA is also involved in real estate projects.
In the life insurance sector, Sul America SA offers a wide range of insurance products that protect individuals throughout their lives. These include annuities, whole life insurance, and term life insurance.
The company is known for its high quality customer service and is consistently praised by its customers. Customers benefit from a wide range of insurance products, easy claims processing, and fast response to inquiries.
Sul America SA is also very active in social initiatives. The company supports nonprofit organizations and engages in various social projects, particularly in the areas of health and education. Through these efforts, Sul America SA creates a positive image and contributes to the development of society.
Overall, Sul America SA is a renowned insurance company with a long history in Brazil. Over the years, the company has become a leading provider of health, asset, and life insurance. Sul America SA is known for its high quality customer service and strong commitment to social responsibility. Sul America je jedna od najpopularnijih kompanija naäne nude atraktivnu mogućnost za investitore za dugoročno stvaranje imovine. Jedna od glavnih prednosti je tzv. efekt prosječenja troškova: investirajući redovito fiksni iznos u dionice ili dioničke fondove, automatski se kupuje više udjela kada su cijene niske, a manje kada su visoke. To može dovesti do povoljnijeg prosječnog cijene po udjelu tijekom vremena. Osim toga, Aktiensparpläne omogućavaju i malim investitorima pristup skupim dionicama, jer mogu sudjelovati već s malim iznosima. Redovita investicija također promiče discipliniranu strategiju ulaganja i pomaže izbjeći emocionalne odluke, poput impulzivne kupnje ili prodaje. Pored toga, investitori profitiraju od potencijalnog povećanja vrijednosti dionica kao i od isplata dividendi koje mogu biti reinvestirane, što pojačava učinak kamatnog kamata i time rast uloženog kapitala.