RBK PAO is a Russian company that operates in various industries. It was founded in 1925 and is based in Moscow. Currently, the company employs around 30,000 employees worldwide.
The company's core businesses are divided into different sectors, including energy, oil and gas, chemicals, telecommunications, and mechanical engineering. Each of these sectors is responsible for a specific group of products or services.
In the energy sector, RBK PAO is involved in power and heat energy production. The company operates several power plants in Russia and other countries to meet the growing demand for electricity and district heating. In the field of renewable energy, the company invests in wind and solar power plants.
In the oil and gas sector, RBK PAO is engaged in exploration, production, and processing of oil and gas. The corporation operates several oil fields in Russia and other countries and is also involved in refinery operations. The company is capable of producing a wide range of oil and gas products such as heating oil, gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and lubricants.
RBK PAO is also active in the chemical industry. The company produces and distributes various chemicals such as plastics, paints, resins, and fibers. RBK PAO has its own research and development department and collaborates closely with universities and research institutions to develop new technologies and products.
In the telecommunications sector, RBK PAO operates one of the largest telecommunications networks in Russia and other countries. The company offers a wide range of services to its customers, including landline telephony, mobile communication, internet, and data transmission. RBK PAO constantly works on improving its telecommunications network to provide its customers with better and more reliable service quality.
RBK PAO is also involved in mechanical engineering. The company manufactures a wide range of machines and equipment used in various industries such as construction, agriculture, mining, metallurgy, and chemicals. RBK PAO also produces precision components and parts used in the aerospace and defense industries.
In summary, RBK PAO's business model is diverse and encompasses a wide range of products and services. The company operates in various industries and has an extensive network of factories, power plants, and offices in Russia and other countries. RBK PAO continuously invests in research and development to develop innovative technologies and products and provide its customers with better solutions.