Burzynski Research Institute डिविडेंड सुरक्षित है?
Burzynski Research Institute पिछले 0 वर्षों से लगातार डिविडेंड बढ़ा रहे हैं।
पिछले 10 वर्षों में, Burzynski Research Institute ने इसे प्रति वर्ष 0 % घटाया गया किया है।
5-वर्ष के दृष्टिकोण से गिरा ने वितरण में 0% की वृद्धि की है।
विश्लेषकों का मानना है कि चालू व्यावसायिक वर्ष के लिए डिविडेंड सेंकुचन में -100% की वृद्धि होगी।
Burzynski Research Institute Aktienanalyse
Burzynski Research Institute क्या कर रहा है?
The Burzynski Research Institute Inc is a company based in Houston, Texas, that specializes in the development of cancer treatments. The company was founded in 1976 by Polish physician Stanislaw R. Burzynski, who began his first research on tumor cells.
Burzynski made a promising discovery: He identified a group of chemical compounds that he referred to as "Antineoplastons" and described them as effective cancer-fighting agents. One of his key hypotheses was that cancer cells in the body develop due to a malfunction in the normal body's mechanism for combating cancer cells. He therefore developed a therapy that aims to support and enhance this mechanism in the body that normally fights cancer.
Burzynski founded the Burzynski Research Institute to further develop his research and therapy. The company's business model is based on the clinical development, patenting, and marketing of cancer treatment methods that rely on the use of Antineoplastons as a central active ingredient.
An essential part of the institute's work is collaborating with regulatory authorities such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to obtain approval for these therapies. The company has obtained several approvals for clinical trials with its cancer treatment technology, including an approval in 2003 for a clinical trial on children with brainstem cancer.
The Burzynski Research Institute specializes in various types of cancer treatment, including brain tumors, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer. The company also utilizes several different types of Antineoplastons, including phenylacetate, phenylbutyrate, and O-(chloroacetyl)carboxy-phenylglycine.
In addition to cancer therapy, the institute also develops other medical products. For example, the institute offers a product called "Emu oil," which is a natural pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory oil. These products are mostly sold directly to patients and are typically not the main source of revenue for the company.
The Burzynski Research Institute is not without controversy. There are critics who argue that the company lacks sufficient scientific evidence to prove the effectiveness of their cancer treatment methods. Others have criticized the high prices charged by the company for their treatments.
Despite these criticisms, the Burzynski Research Institute has continued its work and further developed its cancer treatment technology, with the aim of finding new and effective ways to combat cancer. The company has also published several books and videos to raise awareness of its work and goals.
Overall, the company can be considered a leading, albeit controversial, player in the field of cancer research and therapy. Its products and treatment approaches offer hope and solutions for many cancer patients, but there are still many questions and challenges to be addressed in this important area of medical research.
Burzynski Research Institute Eulerpool.com पर सबसे लोकप्रिय कंपनियों में से एक है।शेयर बचत योजनाएं निवेशकों के लिए दीर्घकालिक संपदा निर्माण का एक आकर्षक विकल्प प्रस्तुत करती हैं। इसका एक मुख्य लाभ है सो-कॉल्ड कॉस्ट-एवरेज इफ़ेक्ट: निश्चित राशि को नियमित रूप से शेयरों या शेयर फंडों में निवेश करने से, जब कीमतें कम होती हैं तो स्वतः ही अधिक शेयर खरीदे जाते हैं, और जब वे अधिक होती हैं तो कम खरीदे जाते हैं। यह समय के साथ प्रति शेयर एक लाभदायक औसत मूल्य की ओर ले जा सकता है। इसके अलावा, शेयर बचत योजनाएं महंगे शेयरों तक छोटे निवेशकों की पहुँच प्रदान करती हैं क्योंकि वे छोटी राशियों से भी इसमें भाग ले सकते हैं। नियमित निवेश एक अनुशासित निवेश रणनीति को भी बढ़ावा देता है और भावनात्मक निर्णयों, जैसे कि आवेगपूर्ण खरीद या बिक्री, से बचने में मदद करता है। इसके अतिरिक्त, निवेशक शेयरों के संभावित मूल्य वृद्धि के साथ-साथ डिविडेंड वितरणों से भी लाभान्वित होते हैं जिन्हें पुनः निवेश किया जा सकता है, जिससे चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज प्रभाव और प्रवेशित पूंजी की वृद्धि को बढ़ावा मिलता है।