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Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο Τιμές Κατοικιών Πανελλαδικά


529,4 Πόντοι
Αλλαγή +/-
-1,91 Πόντοι
Ποσοστιαία Μεταβολή
-0,36 %

Η τρέχουσα αξία των Τιμών Κατοικιών Πανελλαδικά στην Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο είναι 529,4 Πόντοι. Οι Τιμές Κατοικιών Πανελλαδικά στην Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο μειώθηκαν σε 529,4 Πόντοι στις 1/8/2024, μετά που ήταν 531,31 Πόντοι στις 1/7/2024. Από 1/1/1991 μέχρι 1/9/2024, ο μέσος όρος του ΑΕΠ στην Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο ήταν 293,28 Πόντοι. Η υψηλότερη αξία όλων των εποχών επιτεύχθηκε στις 1/8/2022 με 546,10 Πόντοι, ενώ η χαμηλότερη αξία καταγράφηκε στις 1/11/1992 με 98,95 Πόντοι.

Πηγή: Nationwide Building Society, United Kingdom

Τιμές Κατοικιών Πανελλαδικά

  • 3 Χρόνια

  • 5 Χρόνια

  • 10 Χρόνια

  • 25 χρόνια

  • Max

Πανελλαδικές τιμές κατοικιών

Τιμές Κατοικιών Πανελλαδικά Ιστορικό

1/8/2024529,4 Πόντοι
1/7/2024531,31 Πόντοι
1/6/2024530,77 Πόντοι
1/5/2024527,15 Πόντοι
1/4/2024522,59 Πόντοι
1/3/2024520,95 Πόντοι
1/2/2024519,51 Πόντοι
1/1/2024514 Πόντοι
1/12/2023513,57 Πόντοι
1/11/2023515,79 Πόντοι

Παρόμοιες μακροοικονομικές ενδείξεις σε Τιμές Κατοικιών Πανελλαδικά

Δείκτης Διαχείρισης Αγορών του Κατασκευαστικού Τομέα (Bau-PMI)
55,3 points52,2 pointsΜηνιαία
Δείκτης κατοικιϦν
505,9 points504,5 pointsΜηνιαία
Δείκτης Τιμών Κατοικίας Ετησίως
1,5 %1,1 %Μηνιαία
Δείκτης Τιμών Κατοικιών Μήνα προς Μήνα
0,3 %0,3 %Μηνιαία
Εγκρίσεις Υποθηκών
64.86 62.5 Μηνιαία
Έναρξη Κατασκευών
22.99 units22.58 unitsΤρίμηνο
Εντολές Κατασκευής
-2,9 %-30,1 %Τρίμηνο
Επιτόκιο υποθήκης
7,69 %7,83 %Μηνιαία
Ιδιωτικές Τιμές Ενοικίασης
8,9 %9,2 %Μηνιαία
Ισοζύγιο Τιμών Κατοικίας RICS
1 %-18 %Μηνιαία
Μέσες τιμές κατοικιών
291.268 GBP289.042 GBPΜηνιαία
Πανεθνικές τιμές κατοικιών YoY
3,2 %2,4 %Μηνιαία
Πανελλαδικές τιμές κατοικιών MoM
0,7 %-0,2 %Μηνιαία
Παραγωγή κατασκευών
-1,6 %-1,7 %Μηνιαία
Ποσοστό Ιδιόκτητων Κατοικιών
65,2 %65 %Ετησίως
Στεγαστικό δάνειο
2,861 δισ. GBP2,796 δισ. GBPΜηνιαία
Συντελεστής Τιμής-Ενοικίου
117,596 118,258 Τρίμηνο
Τιμές κατοικιών
-1,71 %-0,79 %Τρίμηνο

Ο δείκτης τιμών κατοικιών Nationwide είναι ένας δείκτης των τάσεων στις τιμές κατοικιών του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου. Ο δείκτης υπολογίζεται με βάση τις αγορές κατοικιών από ιδιοκτήτες-κατοίκους που περιλαμβάνουν υποθήκη. Οι αγορές για επένδυση και οι αγορές με μετρητά δεν περιλαμβάνονται.

Τι είναι Τιμές Κατοικιών Πανελλαδικά

Nationwide Housing Prices in Greece represent a crucial indicator within the broader field of macroeconomics, playing an essential role in understanding the overall economic health and stability of the country. At eulerpool, we take pride in presenting comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date macroeconomic data, including insights into the trends and dynamics of housing prices across Greece. This category is instrumental for economists, policy makers, investors, and other stakeholders who aim to make informed decisions based on robust economic indicators. The dynamics of Nationwide Housing Prices in Greece are influenced by a multitude of factors, including but not limited to, demographic trends, economic growth, interest rates, fiscal policies, and legal regulations regarding real estate. Understanding these prices requires a multifaceted analysis of these different factors and how they interact with each other. One of the primary drivers of housing prices is the economic performance of the country. In periods of economic growth, when GDP is rising and unemployment rates are falling, consumer confidence tends to increase. This often leads to higher demand for housing as individuals and families seek to buy properties, whether as a primary residence or as an investment. Conversely, during economic downturns or periods of stagnation, demand for housing can diminish, leading to a stabilization or even a reduction in prices. Interest rates set by the Bank of Greece also play a pivotal role in shaping housing prices. Lower interest rates generally make borrowing cheaper, encouraging more people to take out mortgages and buy homes. This increased demand can drive up housing prices. On the other hand, higher interest rates make borrowing more expensive, which can dampen housing demand and put downward pressure on prices. Therefore, monitoring the monetary policy decisions and interest rate trends is essential for anticipating changes in the housing market. Demographic shifts, such as population growth or decline, urbanization trends, and changes in household composition, significantly impact housing prices nationwide. For instance, a growing population and increased urbanization can lead to a higher demand for housing in cities, driving up prices in urban areas. Conversely, areas experiencing population decline may see reduced demand and falling prices. Analyzing demographic data helps in predicting long-term trends in the housing market. Government policies and regulations also have a substantial influence on housing prices. Measures such as tax incentives for homebuyers, subsidies for lower-income families, and regulations affecting property development and zoning can impact both the supply and demand sides of the housing market. For example, favorable tax policies for homebuyers can stimulate demand, while stringent regulations on property development can restrict supply, both of which can lead to higher prices. Observing and understanding these policies is crucial for gaining a complete picture of the housing market dynamics. Supply-side factors, including the availability of land, construction costs, and the rate of new housing development, also critically affect housing prices. In areas where land is scarce and construction costs are high, the supply of new housing may be limited, leading to higher prices. Conversely, in regions with ample land and lower construction costs, new housing developments can help keep prices more stable. Regularly monitoring data on housing supply and construction trends is necessary for a comprehensive analysis of housing prices. External economic factors, such as global economic conditions and foreign investment trends, can also impact housing prices in Greece. For instance, an influx of foreign buyers investing in Greek real estate can drive up prices, especially in popular areas. Additionally, global economic events, such as financial crises or economic slowdowns, can affect domestic housing markets by influencing investor confidence and capital flows. In recent years, Greece has experienced a significant recovery in its housing market after a prolonged period of economic crisis. This recovery has been characterized by rising prices, particularly in major urban centers such as Athens and Thessaloniki. Various factors have contributed to this recovery, including improved economic conditions, increased foreign investment, and supportive government policies aimed at revitalizing the housing sector. However, there are also challenges that need to be addressed, such as ensuring affordable housing for lower-income families and managing the environmental impact of new housing developments. At eulerpool, we provide detailed and up-to-date data on Nationwide Housing Prices in Greece, catering to the needs of various stakeholders. Our data includes historical trends, current market conditions, and forecasts, enabling users to analyze the housing market comprehensively. Whether you are an economist conducting research, a policy maker developing housing policies, an investor looking for opportunities, or a real estate professional seeking market insights, our platform offers the information you need. In summary, Nationwide Housing Prices in Greece are a vital macroeconomic indicator that provides valuable insights into the country's economic health and property market dynamics. Various factors, including economic performance, interest rates, demographic trends, government policies, supply-side dynamics, and external economic conditions, influence these prices. At eulerpool, we are committed to offering accurate and comprehensive housing price data, empowering our users to make informed decisions and gain a deeper understanding of the Greek housing market.