Secured Services Inc. is a leading company specializing in providing IT security, risk analysis, compliance auditing, security training, and other security solutions. The company offers a wide range of products and services for businesses of all sizes.
Secured Services Inc.'s business model is based on capturing, monitoring, and analyzing security threats and vulnerabilities in a company's network. One of the company's key areas is monitoring Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), where it collects data from various sources and analyzes them to detect and uncover potential threats. Additionally, Secured Services also offers an Incident Response Center, which helps customers quickly respond to and resolve security issues.
Secured Services also provides compliance audits to assess a company's compliance with various international standards such as ITIL, SOC 2, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR. These audits help businesses meet regulatory requirements and minimize their risk of penalties and liability.
Another important area of Secured Services is cybersecurity training. The company offers training for employees and executives at all levels to promote awareness of cybersecurity and the importance of corporate governance and risk management within the organization. These trainings help minimize the risk of human errors and security breaches.
In addition to these areas, Secured Services also offers a range of product solutions such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, antivirus software, cloud security, and virtual private networks (VPNs). These solutions help businesses make their networks more secure by preventing unauthorized access to sensitive data and controlling network usage.
Overall, Secured Services' business model is based on using advanced technologies and expertise to help businesses keep their data secure, meet regulatory requirements, and minimize the risk of security breaches. By providing comprehensive and continuous security services and products, the company helps ensure the highest level of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.
In conclusion, Secured Services' business model is tailored to the needs of businesses that want to protect their IT infrastructure and data from the increasing and constantly evolving threats from the internet. By offering multiple security services and products tailored to the needs of different industries, Secured Services Inc. has become a leading provider of IT security solutions.