Vantage Towers - 股票

Vantage Towers 股票 2024

Vantage Towers 股票

506.7 百万







在2024年,Vantage Towers有506.7 百万未清偿的股票,与前一年的506.7 百万股票相比,变动0%

Vantage Towers 股票 历史

股票数量 (undefined EUR)

Vantage Towers 股票数量

Vantage Towers在2023年的股票数量为 — 这表明506.7 百万是如何分割为多少股票的。由于股东是公司的所有者,每一股都代表了公司财产的一小部分。
  • 3年

  • 5年

  • 10年

  • 马克斯


收入,EBIT 与每股收益


每股收入代表了Vantage Towers的总收入,除以现有的股票数量。这是一个决定性的指标,因为它反映了公司创收的能力,并显示了增长和扩张的潜力。比较每年的每股收入,能让投资者分析公司收入的稳定性,并预测未来的趋势。


每股EBIT表示的是Vantage Towers的利润,剔除了利息和税费,提供了关于运营盈利能力的洞见,而不需要考虑资本结构和税率的影响。这可以对比每股销售额,以评估将销售额转化为利润的效率。每股EBIT多年来的持续增长再次证明了运营效率和盈利能力。


每股收益,或者称为每股盈利(EPS),显示了Vantage Towers的利润中分配给每一股普通股的部分。这对于评估盈利能力和财务健康状况至关重要。通过与每股收入和EBIT进行比较,投资者可以看出公司将收入和运营利润转化为净收入的效率。


预期值是对未来几年每股收入,EBIT和收益的预测。这些预期基于历史数据和市场分析,帮助投资者进行投资策略,评估Vantage Towers的未来表现和估计未来的股票价格。然而,重要的是要考虑市场波动和不确定性可能会影响这些预测的因素。

Vantage Towers Aktienanalyse

Vantage Towers在做什么?

The Vantage Towers AG is a German company that was spun off by Vodafone as an independent business unit in 2021. The company operates an extensive network of mobile phone masts and towers in Europe and is one of the largest infrastructure companies in the mobile telecommunications industry. The history of Vantage Towers dates back to 2012, when Vodafone decided to outsource its mobile telecommunications infrastructure to a separate company. Over the years, Vodafone's network has been steadily expanded and improved, with other companies, such as the Spanish telecommunications provider Telefonica, integrating their masts into the Vodafone network. In 2021, the decision was finally made to take Vantage Towers public as an independent company, with the aim of accelerating the company's growth and further expanding investments in infrastructure. Vantage Towers' business model is closely linked to that of mobile network providers. The company operates a network of approximately 82,000 masts and towers worldwide, which can be rented by various mobile network providers. The goal is to provide customers with comprehensive network coverage and improve signal strength in different regions. The rental of masts and towers is an important part of Vantage Towers' business model. However, the company also offers its own solutions and products to improve mobile telecommunications infrastructure. The various divisions of Vantage Towers are closely interconnected. The company's portfolio includes solutions for mast and tower rental models, as well as for the construction and maintenance of mobile phone masts and towers. In addition, the company also offers consulting services and software solutions that can optimize and improve the infrastructure of mobile network providers. An important part of Vantage Towers' product range is the so-called small cell network. This is a network of smaller, decentralized mobile phone masts that are mainly used in city centers or other urban areas. The aim is to improve network coverage and increase bandwidth in heavily frequented areas. By installing small cells, mobile network providers can also specifically target certain user groups - for example, by offering special deals to customers in specific neighborhoods or improving network quality in busy shopping streets. Overall, Vantage Towers is one of the most important infrastructure companies in the mobile telecommunications industry. The products and services of Vantage Towers enable mobile network providers to improve their network coverage and quality and meet the increasing demands of the IoT boom and growing data traffic. The independence of Vantage Towers and its listing as a separate company on the stock exchange also open up new investment opportunities, which could further accelerate the company's growth in the coming years. Vantage Towers ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf


Vantage Towers的未流通股票评估

Vantage Towers的未流通股票是指目前所有股东,包括机构投资者和由公司高级员工和内部人士持有的限制股票,持有的总股票数量。未流通股票的数量是决定公司市值的重要因素,投资者会使用这个数字来评估公司的规模,财务健康和投资潜力。


追踪Vantage Towers随着时间推移未流通股票数量的变化,可以为投资者提供关于该公司的财务战略和市场评估的洞察。未流通股票的增加可能源于新股的发行,而减少可能是因为回购。


对于投资者来说,理解Vantage Towers的未流通股票是评估每股收益(EPS)和市值的关键。未流通股份数量的变化可能会影响EPS,后者是股票价格和投资决策的重要驱动因素。


Vantage Towers未流通股票的变动可能表明公司财务战略的变化。增加可能会对EPS和股票价值产生稀释效应,并可能预示着可能的筹资或收购。相反,减少常常由于股票回购而引起,它可能会提升股票价值,并预示公司对自身财务表现的信心。

关于Vantage Towers股票的常见问题

Vantage Towers有多少股票?

Vantage Towers的当前股票数量为506.7 百万 undefined。

“Anzahl an Aktien / OustandingShares意味着什么?”

Vantage Towers的流通股票(或者未偿股票)是已发行股票的总数,这些股票由股东们积极持有 - 包括外部投资者和公司内部人。然而,这必须是实际的股票。 可以授予高级管理人员股票期权,这些期权可以转化为实际的股票。

Vantage Towers的股票数量在过去几年中的发展情况如何?

与去年相比,Vantage Towers的股票数量增加了0% gestiegen




存在各种不同的因素,可能导致变化。Vantage Towers作为公司,可以发行新的股票,执行股票拆分或反向拆分。

Vantage Towers的股票数量是否会影响其业绩?

没有可靠的长期证据或研究表明,包含特定数量股票的股票(无论是超大/大/中/小市值)长期来看会产生明显高于其他股票的回报。偶尔有一些小型研究(少数股票,短期投资),指出某些类别的表现更好或风险更高,但这些研究都不是1. 有决定性的(因果关系不清晰,无法重复实验)或2. 普遍的(不能概括,因为样本和时间段太小)。

Vantage Towers支付多少股息?

在过去的12个月中,Vantage Towers支付了0.04 EUR 的股息。这相当于大约0.11 %的股息收益率。在未来的12个月内,Vantage Towers预计将支付0.04 EUR的股息。

Vantage Towers的股息收益率有多高?

Vantage Towers当前的股息收益率为0.11 %。

Vantage Towers什么时候支付股息?

Vantage Towers按季度支付股息。这些股息将在月份分发。

Vantage Towers的股息有多安全?

Vantage Towers 在过去7年里每年都支付了股息。

Vantage Towers的股息有多高?

预计未来12个月的股息将达到0.04 EUR。这相当于0.11 %的股息收益率。

Vantage Towers位于哪个行业?

Vantage Towers 被分配到“沟通”板块。

Wann musste ich die Aktien von Vantage Towers kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

要获得Vantage Towers在支付的0.04 EUR的最后一笔股息,你必须在的除息日之前持有该股票于你的账户中。

Vantage Towers最后一次支付股息是什么时候?


Vantage Towers在2023年的股息是多少?

在2023年,Vantage Towers 分配了0.63 EUR作为股息。

Vantage Towers 的股息是以哪种货币支付的?

Vantage Towers的股息将以EUR的形式分配。


Vantage Towers 股票在以下供应商处可进行定投计划:ING 与 Consorsbank

Andere Kennzahlen von Vantage Towers

我们对Vantage Towers 营业额股票的股票分析包括重要的财务指标,如收入、利润、市盈率、市销率、息税折旧摊销前利润,以及有关股息的信息。此外,我们还研究了诸如股票、市值、债务、股东权益和Vantage Towers 营业额的负债等方面。如果您在寻找关于这些主题的更详细信息,我们在子页面上提供了详细的分析: