Mitsui & Co - 股票

Mitsui & Co 投资回报率 2024

Mitsui & Co 投资回报率








在2024年,Mitsui & Co的资本回报率(ROCE)为0.08,相较于前一年的0.1 ROCE,增长了-27.54%

Mitsui & Co Aktienanalyse

Mitsui & Co在做什么?

Mitsui & Co Ltd is a diversified company based in Tokyo, Japan. The company was founded in 1876 by Takashi Masuda as an import-export business. Since then, it has evolved into one of the world's leading corporations, employing around 45,000 employees in over 90 countries. The company's history has been shaped by developments and challenges that have influenced both the company and the global economy. In its early years, the company primarily specialized in the import and export of commodities and goods such as textiles, silk, and cotton. During World War II, the company faced a crisis and had to reposition itself. In the 1960s, Mitsui & Co Ltd diversified significantly and expanded its business into areas such as energy, commodities, chemicals, food, and many more. The company's business model is broad-based. It operates in a variety of sectors, including energy, machinery, infrastructure, commodities, chemicals, food, and retail. Mitsui's business model is focused on capturing and leveraging growth opportunities and trends in these industries. The company follows a "Lean & Global" strategy aimed at increasing efficiency and expanding global presence. In the energy sector, Mitsui & Co Ltd has a strong presence and engages in various areas. It operates both conventional and renewable energy projects, such as wind and solar energy. The company is able to meet the needs of its customers on both the supply and demand sides. In the construction sector, Mitsui & Co Ltd undertakes infrastructure projects with the aim of creating efficient, long-term, and sustainable solutions. This includes road and bridge construction, airport development, and the establishment of hospitals. Mitsui is also active in the real estate industry, undertaking projects in Japan and abroad. In the commodities sector, Mitsui & Co Ltd is a major player and conducts business in various areas, including mining and processing. The company also operates in metallurgy, producing aluminum, copper, and other non-ferrous metals. In the food industry, Mitsui & Co Ltd operates various businesses, including supermarkets and convenience stores, as well as manufacturers of food such as sake, rice wine, and other alcoholic beverages. The company is also involved in agriculture, undertaking projects for the development of cultivation technologies and agricultural enterprises. The products offered by Mitsui & Co Ltd encompass a variety of products and services from different sectors. For example, the company offers chemicals for the production of plastics, textiles, and other applications. It also distributes machinery and vehicles for various industries and operates in the insurance sector. Overall, Mitsui & Co Ltd is a diversified company operating in many different industries. It has a long and interesting history and has continuously faced new challenges over the years. Through the successful implementation of its strategy and thoughtful selection of business partners, the company has achieved sustained growth and strengthened its global influence. The output has been translated to English. Mitsui & Co ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf


Mitsui & Co的资本投入回报率(ROCE)解读

Mitsui & Co的资本投入回报率(ROCE)是一个财务指标,用来衡量公司对投入资本的盈利能力和效率。它是通过将税前利息和税款前的利润(EBIT)除以投入的资本来计算的。较高的ROCE表示公司能有效地利用其资本来盈利。


Mitsui & Co的ROCE年度分析提供了对其资本投入利用效率的有价值的见解。ROCE的增加可能预示着改善的盈利能力和运营效率,而下降可能在资本使用或业务运作中指出潜在的问题。


Mitsui & Co的ROCE是投资者和分析师在评估公司效率和盈利能力时的关键因素。较高的ROCE可能会使该公司成为一个吸引人的投资,因为这通常表明该公司能获得充足的资本投入收益。


Mitsui & Co的ROCE变动由EBIT或投入资本的变动引起。这些波动为公司的运营效率、财务表现和策略性财务管理提供了见解,并帮助投资者做出明智的决策。

关于Mitsui & Co股票的常见问题

Mitsui & Co今年的ROCE(投入资本回报率)有多高?

Mitsui & Co今年的ROCE为0.08 undefined。

Mitsui & Co的ROCE(资本运用回报率)与去年相比有何变化?

相比去年,Mitsui & Co的ROCE已经下降了-27.54%。

对Mitsui & Co的投资者来说,高ROCE(资本运营回报率)意味着什么?

高ROCE(资本运用回报率)意味着Mitsui & Co有效地使用了他的资本并且可以实现更高的投入资本回报。这对投资者可能具有吸引力。

对Mitsui & Co的投资者来说,较低的ROCE(投入资本回报率)意味着什么?

一个较低的ROCE(投入资本回报率)可能表明Mitsui & Co在利用其资本方面效率较低,可能难以在其投入的资本上获得适当的回报。这对投资者来说可能存在不确定性或缺乏吸引力。

Mitsui & Co的ROCE增加会对公司产生什么影响?

ROCE的增加Mitsui & Co可能是公司效率提高的指标,并显示出它相对于其投资获得了更高的利润。

Mitsui & Co的ROCE降低会对公司产生什么影响?

ROCE的降低Mitsui & Co可能是公司效率下降的指标,并显示它相对于其投资获得了较低的收益。

有哪些因素可能影响Mitsui & Co的ROCE?

影响Mitsui & Co的ROCE的一些因素包括资产管理效率、投资盈利能力、成本效率和市场情况。

为什么Mitsui & Co的ROCE对投资者如此重要?

Mitsui & Co的ROCE对投资者很重要,因为它是衡量公司效率的指标,显示出公司相对于其投资的成功程度。高ROCE可能表明公司的财务表现强劲。

Mitsui & Co可以采取哪些战略措施来提高ROCE?

为了提高Mitsui & Co的ROCE,可以采取包括提高资产效率、优化投资、节约成本和开发新的收入来源等措施。公司进行全面审查其业务活动以确定最佳策略措施以提高ROCE是非常重要的。

Mitsui & Co支付多少股息?

在过去的12个月中,Mitsui & Co支付了185 JPY 的股息。这相当于大约2.5 %的股息收益率。在未来的12个月内,Mitsui & Co预计将支付206.09 JPY的股息。

Mitsui & Co的股息收益率有多高?

Mitsui & Co当前的股息收益率为2.5 %。

Mitsui & Co什么时候支付股息?

Mitsui & Co按季度支付股息。这些股息将在, , , 月份分发。

Mitsui & Co的股息有多安全?

Mitsui & Co 在过去23年里每年都支付了股息。

Mitsui & Co的股息有多高?

预计未来12个月的股息将达到206.09 JPY。这相当于2.79 %的股息收益率。

Mitsui & Co位于哪个行业?

Mitsui & Co 被分配到“工业”板块。

Wann musste ich die Aktien von Mitsui & Co kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

要获得Mitsui & Co在支付的100 JPY的最后一笔股息,你必须在的除息日之前持有该股票于你的账户中。

Mitsui & Co最后一次支付股息是什么时候?


Mitsui & Co在2023年的股息是多少?

在2023年,Mitsui & Co 分配了160 JPY作为股息。

Mitsui & Co 的股息是以哪种货币支付的?

Mitsui & Co的股息将以JPY的形式分配。


Mitsui & Co 股票在以下供应商处可进行定投计划:Consorsbank

Andere Kennzahlen von Mitsui & Co

我们对Mitsui & Co 营业额股票的股票分析包括重要的财务指标,如收入、利润、市盈率、市销率、息税折旧摊销前利润,以及有关股息的信息。此外,我们还研究了诸如股票、市值、债务、股东权益和Mitsui & Co 营业额的负债等方面。如果您在寻找关于这些主题的更详细信息,我们在子页面上提供了详细的分析: