



为了更好地评估公司的发展,将AAQS与其他同行业公司进行对比是必要的。一般来说,投资者在决定投资时,应该结合其他众多指标,如利润、EBIT、现金流等来看待一个公司的AAQS。 Aktienanalyse

LegalZoom.com在做什么? Inc is an online platform that provides legal documents and services for individuals and businesses. The company was founded in 1999 by Robert Shapiro, a well-known attorney from California, and Brian Liu. Originally, the idea behind LegalZoom was to create a simpler and more affordable way for people to create legal documents such as divorce papers or wills. However, the company quickly expanded and began offering services in the area of business formation as well. LegalZoom's business model is based on the idea that everyone should have access to the law, whether they are a large corporation or an individual. The platform uses a user-friendly 3-step process where customers can create and personalize their own legal documents. These documents are then reviewed by attorneys to ensure they meet legal requirements. LegalZoom has since evolved into a full-service provider of legal services. In addition to document creation and business formation, LegalZoom also offers services such as tax preparation and filing, trademark registrations, patent searches, employment law, real estate law, criminal defense, and more. The company operates in the United States and Canada, with headquarters in Glendale, California. The platform has served over 4 million customers and is constantly striving to expand and improve its services. The different divisions of LegalZoom include: - Personal legal documents: The platform offers a variety of legal documents such as wills, divorce papers, property records, prenuptial agreements, lease agreements, termination letters, and more. - Business services: LegalZoom can assist businesses with formation, updating business documents, tax filings, and more. The company can also help with forming an LLC or S-Corporation. - Patents and trademarks: LegalZoom can help customers who have new inventions or business ideas obtain patents or trademarks. The platform works with experienced attorneys to make the process as smooth as possible. - Employment law: LegalZoom can assist employees or employers with employment law issues such as overtime or discrimination. - Criminal law: LegalZoom can provide support if someone is accused of a misdemeanor or infraction. - Other legal issues: LegalZoom has a team of attorneys who can help with a variety of legal issues, from real estate matters to creating lease agreements. LegalZoom's business model has helped open access to the law for millions of people. It works by lowering the cost of document creation and other legal services without compromising quality. LegalZoom has established itself as a leading provider of online legal documents and services, and it is likely that the company will continue to grow and evolve in the future. ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf



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