Carrier Global - 股票

Carrier Global 负债 2024

Carrier Global 负债

4,278 USD







在2024年,Carrier Global的债务为4,278 USD,与前一年5,322 USD的总债务相比变动了-19.62%

Carrier Global Aktienanalyse

Carrier Global在做什么?

Carrier Global Corp is a global leading company in the climate and refrigeration control industry, headquartered in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. The company was founded in 1915 by Willis Carrier and has since become a globally recognized company operating in over 170 countries. History: Willis Carrier, the inventor of modern air conditioning, founded Carrier Engineering Corporation in 1915 to commercialize his invention. The company grew quickly and expanded into various other climate areas such as heating, ventilation, refrigeration, fire suppression systems, and electromechanics. In the 1950s, Carrier became one of the largest HVAC manufacturers with production facilities worldwide. Since then, the company has continuously evolved to meet the changing demands of the industry. Business Model: The business model of Carrier Global Corp is focused on providing innovative solutions for the climate, refrigeration, and security industry. Carrier is committed to improving the quality of life and productivity of customers worldwide by integrating advanced technology, sustainability, and efficiency into its products. The company strives to offer tailored solutions for each customer, building close collaborations to best understand and meet their requirements. Divisions: Carrier operates in four main divisions: 1. HVAC Systems: Carrier produces and sells heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for commercial and residential applications, providing technical support and maintenance services. The product range includes small room air conditioners to large industrial HVAC systems. 2. Refrigeration: Carrier is a leading manufacturer of refrigeration systems and components. The company offers cooling solutions for commercial refrigeration, food transport and storage, and industrial refrigeration. 3. Building Automation: With a wide range of automation systems and components, Carrier provides solutions to optimize the efficiency and sustainability of buildings, improve climate control and energy management, and enhance security. 4. Fire & Security: Carrier offers products and services for safety and fire protection, including intelligent fire protection systems, access and entry control systems, and video surveillance systems. Products: Carrier offers a wide range of products including: - Air conditioning and heating systems for residential and commercial buildings - Refrigerators and freezers for the food industry and retail - Refrigeration components such as condensing units or refrigerants - Building automation systems such as HVAC controls or lighting controls - Fire protection systems such as sprinkler systems or smoke detectors - Security systems such as access control sensors or surveillance cameras Conclusion: Carrier Global Corp has established itself as a leading company in the climate and refrigeration industry. With a wide range of products and a strong global presence, the company strives to offer tailored solutions to its customers, integrating innovation, efficiency, and sustainability. Carrier remains a significant player in the industry, continuing to improve its products and services to meet the needs of its customers worldwide. Carrier Global ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf


Carrier Global的债务结构理解

Carrier Global的总债务是指该公司欠外部各方的累积金融义务。这可能包括短期和长期贷款、债券、贷款和其他金融工具。评估公司的债务对于评估其财务状况,风险概况以及运营和扩展业务的能力至关重要。


通过对Carrier Global多年债务结构的分析,可以洞察公司的财务策略和稳定性。债务的减少可能暗示了财务实力和运营效率,而债务的增加可能表明投资增长或潜在的财务挑战。


投资者会密切关注Carrier Global的债务,因为这会影响公司的风险和收益概况。过度的债务可能导致财务压力,而适度并且管理良好的债务可能是增长和扩张的催化剂。这使得债务成为投资评估的重要一环。


Carrier Global债务水平的变化可能归因为各种运营和策略因素。债务的增加可能旨在资助扩张项目或提高运营能力,而债务的减少可能意味着利润的实现或是一种减小财务风险和杠杆效应的方法。

关于Carrier Global股票的常见问题

Carrier Global今年的债务有多高?

Carrier Global今年的债务水平为4,278 USD。

Carrier Global的债务与去年相比有多高?

Carrier Global的债务与去年相比增长了-19.62% 下降了

Carrier Global的投资者高额债务会有什么后果?

对于Carrier Global的投资者来说,高额债务可能构成风险,因为它会使公司的财务状况变得较弱,可能会影响其履行义务的能力。

Carrier Global的投资者低债务会有什么后果?

低债务意味着Carrier Global拥有强大的财务地位,并且能够履行其义务,而不会导致其财务负担过重。

Carrier Global的债务增加对公司会有什么影响?

Carrier Global的债务增加可能会影响公司的财务状况,从而导致其财务负担增加。

Carrier Global的债务减少会对公司产生什么影响?

将Carrier Global的债务降低可以增强公司的财务状况并提高其履行财务义务的能力。

Carrier Global的债务受哪些因素影响?

影响Carrier Global负债的一些因素可能包括投资、收购、运营成本和营业收入的发展。

为什么Carrier Global的债务对投资者如此重要?

Carrier Global的债务对投资者来说很重要,因为它是公司财务稳定性的指标,并且能向投资者提供有关公司如何履行其财务义务的信息。

Carrier Global可以采取哪些战略措施来改变债务状况?

为了改变债务状况,Carrier Global可以采取包括削减成本、增加收入、出售资产、接受投资或合作伙伴关系等措施。公司必须对其财务状况进行彻底审查,以确定最佳的战略措施来改变其债务状况。

Carrier Global支付多少股息?

在过去的12个月中,Carrier Global支付了0.74 USD 的股息。这相当于大约1.16 %的股息收益率。在未来的12个月内,Carrier Global预计将支付1.02 USD的股息。

Carrier Global的股息收益率有多高?

Carrier Global当前的股息收益率为1.16 %。

Carrier Global什么时候支付股息?

Carrier Global按季度支付股息。这些股息将在, , , 月份分发。

Carrier Global的股息有多安全?

Carrier Global 在过去9年里每年都支付了股息。

Carrier Global的股息有多高?

预计未来12个月的股息将达到1.02 USD。这相当于1.59 %的股息收益率。

Carrier Global位于哪个行业?

Carrier Global 被分配到“工业”板块。

Wann musste ich die Aktien von Carrier Global kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

要获得Carrier Global在支付的0.19 USD的最后一笔股息,你必须在的除息日之前持有该股票于你的账户中。

Carrier Global最后一次支付股息是什么时候?


Carrier Global在2023年的股息是多少?

在2023年,Carrier Global 分配了0.635 USD作为股息。

Carrier Global 的股息是以哪种货币支付的?

Carrier Global的股息将以USD的形式分配。


Carrier Global 股票在以下供应商处可进行定投计划:Trade Republic

Andere Kennzahlen von Carrier Global

我们对Carrier Global 营业额股票的股票分析包括重要的财务指标,如收入、利润、市盈率、市销率、息税折旧摊销前利润,以及有关股息的信息。此外,我们还研究了诸如股票、市值、债务、股东权益和Carrier Global 营业额的负债等方面。如果您在寻找关于这些主题的更详细信息,我们在子页面上提供了详细的分析: