Smart Eye AB (publ) - Aksje

Smart Eye AB (publ) AAQS 2024

Smart Eye AB (publ) AAQS








Smart Eye AB (publ) har en aktuell AAQS på 6. En høy AAQS kan sees på som et positivt tegn på at selskapet utvikler seg vellykket. Investorer kan forvente at selskapet er på riktig spor for å oppnå fortjeneste. På den andre siden er det viktig å se på AAQS for aksjen Smart Eye AB (publ) i forhold til de inntjente overskuddene og andre selskaper i samme sektor. En høy AAQS er ingen absolutt garanti for en positiv fremtid. Det er bare slik man kan få et komplett bilde av selskapets ytelse. For å bedre vurdere utviklingen til selskapet, er det viktig å sammenligne AAQS med andre selskaper i samme bransje. Generelt bør investorer alltid vurdere AAQS til et selskap i sammenheng med andre nøkkeltall som fortjeneste, EBIT, kontantstrøm og andre for å treffe en velinformert investeringsbeslutning.

Smart Eye AB (publ) Aktienanalyse

Hva gjør Smart Eye AB (publ)?

Smart Eye AB (publ) was founded in Sweden in 1999 and is a leading provider of eye-tracking technologies. The company is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Stock Exchange and offers products and services for eye movement analysis, biometric identification, vehicle safety, and medicine. The main activity of Smart Eye is to develop and sell eye-tracking technologies, specifically systems that use cameras to record which areas of a screen surface a person is looking at. This can be used to optimize websites or advertisement banners, for example. Another application of eye-tracking technologies is biometric identification, where a person's eye movements are recorded to verify their identity. This is particularly used in the field of IT security. Another important business field for Smart Eye is vehicle safety. The company has developed special camera systems that record the driver's eye movements. This can be used, for example, to detect signs of fatigue or distraction. This technology is used by car manufacturers such as Audi, General Motors, and Jaguar Land Rover. Smart Eye is also active in the field of medicine. The company has developed a technology that records the eye movements of children to detect developmental disorders at an early stage. This technology is used by clinics and doctors in Europe and the USA. Overall, Smart Eye has filed numerous patents and is active in various sectors. The company has around 150 employees and is represented in several countries. The history of Smart Eye began in 1999 when the founders, Martin Krantz and Anders Lyrheden, had the idea to develop a technology that could analyze eye movements. At that time, the technology was still very new and there were hardly any providers on the market. The first product of Smart Eye, the Eye Tracker System, was launched in 2000. It was a camera system that could record the eye movements of people. In the following years, Smart Eye received numerous awards for its technologies. For example, the company was awarded the Swedish Innovation Prize in 2002. Due to the growing interest in eye-tracking technologies, Smart Eye expanded into other countries, including the USA and China. In 2016, Smart Eye went public on the Nasdaq Stockholm Stock Exchange. This allowed the company to increase its capital and make further investments. The following year, Smart Eye opened a research center in Canada to strengthen its research and development activities. In recent years, Smart Eye has introduced numerous new products and technologies to the market. In 2017, new camera systems for vehicle safety were introduced. These not only captured the driver's eye movements but also those of other passengers. In 2019, Smart Eye launched a new product for use in medicine. This is an eye-tracking system that records the eye movements of children to detect developmental disorders at an early stage. Answer: Smart Eye AB (publ) was founded in Sweden in 1999 and is a leading provider of eye-tracking technologies. The company is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Stock Exchange and offers products and services for eye movement analysis, biometric identification, vehicle safety, and medicine. Smart Eye AB (publ) ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf

Vanlige spørsmål om Smart Eye AB (publ)-aksjen

Aksjespareplaner tilbyr en attraktiv mulighet for investorer å bygge opp formue over tid. En av de største fordelene er den såkalte kostnadsgjennomsnittseffekten: Ved regelmessig å investere et fast beløp i aksjer eller aksjefond, kjøper man automatisk flere andeler når prisene er lave, og færre når de er høye. Dette kan føre til en lavere gjennomsnittspris per andel over tid. I tillegg gir aksjespareplaner også småsparere tilgang til dyre aksjer, siden de kan delta med små beløp. Den regelmessige investeringen fremmer også en disiplinert investeringsstrategi og hjelper med å unngå emosjonelle beslutninger, som impulsiv kjøping eller salg. Videre drar investorer nytte av potensiell verdistigning på aksjene, samt utbytteutdelinger som kan reinvesteres, noe som forsterker rentes renteeffekten og dermed veksten av det investerte kapitalet.

Andere Kennzahlen von Smart Eye AB (publ)

Vår aksjeanalyse av Smart Eye AB (publ) Omsetning-aksjen inneholder viktige finansielle nøkkeltall som omsetning, fortjeneste, P/E-forholdet, P/S-forholdet, EBIT, samt informasjon om utbyttet. Vi ser også på aspekter som antall aksjer, markedsverdi, gjeld, egenkapital og forpliktelser hos Smart Eye AB (publ) Omsetning. Hvis du er på utkikk etter mer detaljert informasjon om disse emnene, tilbyr vi deg utfyllende analyser på våre undersider: