WM Technology - 株式

WM Technology AAQS 2024

WM Technology AAQS








WM Technologyは、現在AAQSが1です。



一方で、株式のAAQS WM Technologyを〈〈name〉〉が得た利益や同業他社と比較して考えることが重要です。 高いAAQSは必ずしも明るい未来を約束するわけではありません。 これだけで企業のパフォーマンス全体を評価することができます。

企業の進行状況をより正確に評価するために、AAQSを同業他社と比較して考えることが重要です。 一般的に、投資家は、企業のAAQSを、利益、EBIT、キャッシュフローなどの他の指標と関連付けて考え、優れた投資判断をするべきです。

WM Technology Aktienanalyse

WM Technologyは何をしていますか?

WM Technology Inc is a leading provider of on-demand delivery services, headquartered in Santa Monica, California. The company was founded in 2012 under the name Postmates and has since continuously evolved. In December 2020, Postmates was officially acquired by Uber and has been operating as part of Uber since. The business model of WM Technology Inc is based on providing on-demand delivery services that allow consumers to order and have food, drinks, medications, clothing, and other goods delivered directly to their doorstep. The service of Postmates (now Uber Eats) is available through an app or website, allowing customers to place their orders quickly and easily. In addition to its core business of delivery services, WM Technology Inc also offers additional services. These include local marketing campaigns, partner programs, and customer loyalty programs. These services help businesses expand their reach and attract new customers. In recent years, WM Technology Inc has also expanded into other areas. One of these divisions is Postmates X, a program that develops self-driving delivery robots. These robots are capable of making deliveries autonomously, improving delivery speed and quality. The robots are currently being tested in selected cities. Another business area of WM Technology Inc is Postmates Fresh, a delivery platform for fresh groceries and household items. Customers can place their orders directly from local grocery stores or markets and receive their products delivered on the same day. WM Technology Inc also offers its own payment and financing services. The service, known as Postmates Serve, allows businesses to reimburse their employees for business travel and activities. Additionally, end users can also use the service to make payments and other transactions. The goal of WM Technology Inc is to improve the delivery experience for customers while also helping businesses promote their growth. By continuously improving and expanding its services, the company has been able to expand its market share and promote customer loyalty. Overall, WM Technology Inc is an innovative and fast-growing company that offers a variety of services for consumers and businesses. The company's various business areas, including its core delivery services and the development of self-driving robots, demonstrate its commitment to expanding and improving its service. Output: WM Technology Inc is a leading provider of on-demand delivery services, headquartered in Santa Monica, California. The company was founded in 2012 under the name Postmates and has since been continuously developed. In December 2020, Postmates was officially acquired by Uber and has been operating as part of Uber since. The company's business model is based on providing on-demand delivery services for consumers. Their services include food, drinks, medicines, clothing, and other goods. They operate through an app or website, allowing customers to easily place orders. WM Technology Inc also offers additional services such as local marketing campaigns, partner programs, and customer loyalty programs. They have expanded into areas such as self-driving delivery robots and a fresh grocery and household item delivery platform. They also offer payment and financing services. Their goal is to improve the delivery experience for customers and help businesses grow. Overall, WM Technology Inc is an innovative and fast-growing company that offers a variety of services to consumers and businesses. WM Technology ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf Eulerpool.com.

WM Technology株式に関するよくある質問


Andere Kennzahlen von WM Technology

WM Technology 売上高株の株式分析には、売上高、利益、PER(株価収益率)、P/S(時価総売上高比率)、EBIT、配当に関する重要な財務指標が含まれています。さらに、WM Technology 売上高の株式、時価総額、負債、自己資本、負債といった側面についても検討しています。これらのテーマについてより詳細な情報をお探しの場合、私たちのサブページで詳細な分析を提供しています: