Paragon GmbH & Co KGaA - 株式

Paragon GmbH & Co KGaA AAQS 2024

Paragon GmbH & Co KGaA AAQS








Paragon GmbH & Co KGaAは、現在AAQSが3です。



一方で、株式のAAQS Paragon GmbH & Co KGaAを〈〈name〉〉が得た利益や同業他社と比較して考えることが重要です。 高いAAQSは必ずしも明るい未来を約束するわけではありません。 これだけで企業のパフォーマンス全体を評価することができます。

企業の進行状況をより正確に評価するために、AAQSを同業他社と比較して考えることが重要です。 一般的に、投資家は、企業のAAQSを、利益、EBIT、キャッシュフローなどの他の指標と関連付けて考え、優れた投資判断をするべきです。

Paragon GmbH & Co KGaA Aktienanalyse

Paragon GmbH & Co KGaAは何をしていますか?

The paragon GmbH & Co KgaA is a company specializing in the development and production of electronic components for the automotive industry. The company was founded in 1988 in Delbrück and has its headquarters in Nabern near Stuttgart. The company is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange today and employs over 1,000 employees. Paragon's business model is based on the manufacturing of components for electric and hybrid vehicles as well as conventional vehicles. The company takes a holistic approach and offers its customers both products and manufacturing services. Paragon has a high level of manufacturing depth and is capable of producing all electronic components in a car. The company is divided into three main areas: Automotive, Electronics, and Electromobility. The Automotive sector includes the production of sensors and actuators, connection technology, and switch technology. These components are used in interior and safety systems as well as air conditioning and lighting systems. The Electronics sector includes the production of circuit boards for both the automotive and industrial sectors. Paragon is able to handle the manufacturing process from prototypes to mass production. The Electromobility sector consists of the production of battery cells and modules, charging stations, and energy management systems. Some of Paragon's key products include light and rain sensors, which are used in modern vehicles to control lighting and windshield wipers. Additionally, the company produces controls for air conditioning and seat heaters, as well as door and window switches. Paragon has also established itself in the production of battery cells and modules and is expanding its capacities in this area. Another product is the so-called "sound actuator" technology, which allows for the modification and improvement of the sound of electric vehicles using targeted sound waves. The history of Paragon began in 1988 with its founding by Dieter H. Günther and Siegfried Scholtka. In its early years, the company manufactured electrolytic capacitors and circuit boards for the telecommunications industry. In the late 1990s, the company began its expansion into the automotive industry, initially through the production of switch and control modules. Since then, the company has steadily grown and established itself as a reliable supplier of electronic components for the automotive industry. Today, Paragon is a globally operating company with a customer-oriented focus and high quality standards. The high requirements of the automotive industry for safety, durability, and innovative technologies are the driving force behind the company. The fact that more and more vehicles with electric and hybrid drive systems are entering the market offers enormous growth potential and poses a challenge that Paragon successfully meets. Paragon GmbH & Co KGaA ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf

Paragon GmbH & Co KGaA株式に関するよくある質問


Paragon GmbH & Co KGaA株式は以下の提供者で積立可能です: Trade Republic

Andere Kennzahlen von Paragon GmbH & Co KGaA

Paragon GmbH & Co KGaA 売上高株の株式分析には、売上高、利益、PER(株価収益率)、P/S(時価総売上高比率)、EBIT、配当に関する重要な財務指標が含まれています。さらに、Paragon GmbH & Co KGaA 売上高の株式、時価総額、負債、自己資本、負債といった側面についても検討しています。これらのテーマについてより詳細な情報をお探しの場合、私たちのサブページで詳細な分析を提供しています: