InterGroup - 株式

InterGroup AAQS 2024

InterGroup AAQS











一方で、株式のAAQS InterGroupを〈〈name〉〉が得た利益や同業他社と比較して考えることが重要です。 高いAAQSは必ずしも明るい未来を約束するわけではありません。 これだけで企業のパフォーマンス全体を評価することができます。

企業の進行状況をより正確に評価するために、AAQSを同業他社と比較して考えることが重要です。 一般的に、投資家は、企業のAAQSを、利益、EBIT、キャッシュフローなどの他の指標と関連付けて考え、優れた投資判断をするべきです。

InterGroup Aktienanalyse


The InterGroup Corp is a company that offers a wide range of services and products. It was founded in 1969 and is headquartered in New Jersey. The company's beginnings were in the construction industry and land development, but over the years it has diversified significantly and now offers insurance and financial services among others. The core business of InterGroup Corp focuses on the acquisition, development, and management of real estate. The focus is on the creation of residential properties, especially in the United States. However, the company is also active in the commercial real estate industry and owns and manages several office and retail rental properties. The size and breadth of the real estate portfolio enable InterGroup Corp to gather best practices and experiences in various markets and thus be flexible in the markets. Another important business area is finance. Here, the company operates a branch of an American bank and offers financial services such as lending, deposits, capital investments, and asset management. The company also operates an insurance office that offers a wide range of insurance products, including auto, home, and life insurance. This allows the company to offer an ideal combination of real estate and financial services and provide customers with comprehensive support and advice in the field of financial planning and insurance. In addition to real estate and finance, InterGroup Corp is also active in the media sector. The subsidiaries produce and distribute media content such as music, books, and films. The provision of entertainment content is becoming increasingly important as the audience is becoming increasingly hungry for good content and diverse offerings. A smart acquisition policy offers the best opportunities for very profitable acquisitions of popular brands or consistently successful artists. InterGroup Corp has managed to achieve stable finances through its diversification and is therefore considered a solid and reliable company. It strives to continue growing through constant improvements in all its business areas and to remain a trusted partner for customers and investors. Especially in view of future developments in the industry, the company is well positioned thanks to its broad business fields. InterGroup ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf



Andere Kennzahlen von InterGroup

InterGroup 売上高株の株式分析には、売上高、利益、PER(株価収益率)、P/S(時価総売上高比率)、EBIT、配当に関する重要な財務指標が含まれています。さらに、InterGroup 売上高の株式、時価総額、負債、自己資本、負債といった側面についても検討しています。これらのテーマについてより詳細な情報をお探しの場合、私たちのサブページで詳細な分析を提供しています: