Upstart Holdings - 股票

Upstart Holdings 市盈率 2024

Upstart Holdings 市盈率








截至 ,Upstart Holdings 的市盈率为 -22.87,与上一年的市盈率-10.38相比,变动了 120.33%

Upstart Holdings 市盈率 历史

Upstart Holdings Aktienanalyse

Upstart Holdings在做什么?

Upstart Holdings Inc is an online lender that was founded in 2012 by Dave Girouard, Anna Counselman, and other former Google employees. The company differentiates itself from traditional lenders by using an artificial intelligence platform to automate credit evaluations. It also offers lower interest rates than many traditional lenders and focuses on providing education and consumer loans. Upstart received its first round of funding in 2012 and has received several million dollars in investments over the years. In 2015, the company conducted a Series C funding round worth $35 million, led by Third Point Ventures, and in 2017, it conducted a Series D funding round worth $32.5 million, led by Rakuten. Upstart is headquartered in San Carlos, California and also operates branches in Texas, Ohio, and Utah. The company currently has approximately 425 employees and plans to expand further in the future. Upstart's business model is based on using artificial intelligence to provide lenders with a fast and accurate way to assess applicants' creditworthiness. Upstart uses a wide range of information, including educational and employment histories, to obtain a comprehensive picture of applicants. The company also utilizes data analytics and machine learning to identify patterns in the data and continuously improve creditworthiness evaluations. Upstart's various divisions include education loans, consumer loans, and partnerships with other companies to develop their credit programs and platforms. Upstart offers its customers a wide range of products, including student loans, career training loans, and debt consolidation loans. Upstart's education loans offer flexible repayment plans and interest rates that are often lower than those of traditional lenders. The company collaborates with various universities and other educational institutions to offer customized loan programs for students. Upstart's consumer loans encompass loans for consolidating credit card debt, loans for major purchases such as car repairs or furniture purchases, and loans for financing renovation projects. Upstart also provides customization options so that customers can tailor their loans to their individual needs. Upstart also collaborates with companies to develop their credit programs and platforms based on the company's technology and credit analysis tools. This enables companies to quickly and effectively extend credit to their customers while minimizing the risk of defaults. Upstart has quickly become a leading online lender that uses intelligent technology to make credit lending faster and more effective. The company specializes in providing loans for education and consumer credit and offers its customers a wide range of products and services. Upstart remains innovative by continuously exploring the possibilities of artificial intelligence to further improve its lending practices and satisfy its customers. Upstart Holdings ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf


Upstart Holdings的市盈率解析

Upstart Holdings的市盈率(P/E)是投资者和分析师用来确定公司市值与其盈利的关键指标。它是通过将当前的股票价格除以每股收益(EPS)来计算的。较高的市盈率可能意味着投资者期望有更高的未来增长,而较低的市盈率可能表示公司可能被低估,或者增长预期可能较低。


以年度为基础审查Upstart Holdings的市盈率可以提供对估值趋势和投资者情绪的见解。市盈率的年度增长表明投资者的信心和对未来盈利增长的期望正在增强,而市盈率的下降可能反映了对公司盈利能力或增长前景的担忧。


Upstart Holdings的市盈率是投资者在衡量风险和回报时的关键考虑因素。结合其他财务指标进行全面分析,有助于投资者就购买、持有或出售公司股票做出明智决定。


Upstart Holdings的市盈率波动可能归因于各种因素,包括盈利的变化、股价的移动以及投资者预期的变化。理解这些波动背后的原因是预测未来股票表现和评估公司内在价值的关键。

关于Upstart Holdings股票的常见问题

Upstart Holdings的市盈率是多少?

Upstart Holdings的市盈率目前为-22.87。

Upstart Holdings的市盈率与去年相比有何变化?

Upstart Holdings的市盈率与去年相比增加了120.33% 上涨





Upstart Holdings的市盈率与其他公司相比是否高?

是的,与其他公司相比,Upstart Holdings的市盈率较高。

Upstart Holdings的市盈率上升会对公司产生什么影响?

如果Upstart Holdings的市盈率提高,将导致公司市值提升,从而导致公司估值提高。

Upstart Holdings的市盈率降低对公司会产生什么影响?

Upstart Holdings的市盈率降低将导致公司市值降低,从而导致公司估值降低。

Upstart Holdings的市盈率受哪些因素影响?

影响Upstart Holdings的市盈率的一些因素包括公司增长、公司的财务状况、行业发展和总体经济状况。

Upstart Holdings支付多少股息?

在过去的12个月中,Upstart Holdings支付了 的股息。这相当于大约的股息收益率。在未来的12个月内,Upstart Holdings预计将支付0 USD的股息。

Upstart Holdings的股息收益率有多高?

Upstart Holdings当前的股息收益率为。

Upstart Holdings什么时候支付股息?

Upstart Holdings按季度支付股息。这些股息将在月份分发。

Upstart Holdings的股息有多安全?

Upstart Holdings 在过去0年里每年都支付了股息。

Upstart Holdings的股息有多高?

预计未来12个月的股息将达到0 USD。这相当于0 %的股息收益率。

Upstart Holdings位于哪个行业?

Upstart Holdings 被分配到“财务”板块。

Wann musste ich die Aktien von Upstart Holdings kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

要获得Upstart Holdings在支付的0 USD的最后一笔股息,你必须在的除息日之前持有该股票于你的账户中。

Upstart Holdings最后一次支付股息是什么时候?


Upstart Holdings在2023年的股息是多少?

在2023年,Upstart Holdings 分配了0 USD作为股息。

Upstart Holdings 的股息是以哪种货币支付的?

Upstart Holdings的股息将以USD的形式分配。


Upstart Holdings 股票在以下供应商处可进行定投计划:Consorsbank

Andere Kennzahlen von Upstart Holdings

我们对Upstart Holdings 营业额股票的股票分析包括重要的财务指标,如收入、利润、市盈率、市销率、息税折旧摊销前利润,以及有关股息的信息。此外,我们还研究了诸如股票、市值、债务、股东权益和Upstart Holdings 营业额的负债等方面。如果您在寻找关于这些主题的更详细信息,我们在子页面上提供了详细的分析: