Perma-Pipe International Holdings - 股票

Perma-Pipe International Holdings 员工 2024

Perma-Pipe International Holdings 员工








在2024年,Perma-Pipe International Holdings雇佣了1,040名员工,相较于前一年员工数量1,040,发生了0%的变化。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings Aktienanalyse

Perma-Pipe International Holdings在做什么?

Perma-Pipe International Holdings Inc is a leading provider of energy delivery and process plant solutions worldwide. The company was founded in 1961 and is headquartered in Niles, Illinois, USA. Since its inception, Perma-Pipe has become a global company serving customers in a variety of industries, including energy, process plant construction, telecommunications, mechanical engineering, and construction. The company's business model is to handle complex projects from planning to commissioning. The company has extensive expertise in processing stainless steel, carbon steel, and plastic components to implement complex projects. Perma-Pipe is able to offer solutions for a variety of applications, including heat treatment, heat recovery, pipeline insulation, fire protection, and telecommunications infrastructure. The wide range of products includes piping systems, insulation, heat recovery systems, and control systems. The company's products and services are used worldwide to help customers improve energy efficiency and reduce operating costs. The company's core competencies are in product development and plant construction, providing solutions that can be used by customers in the oil and gas, power generation, chemical and petrochemical industries, refineries, food and beverage production, and other industries. The company employs around 1,000 people worldwide and works with a variety of partners and suppliers to offer customers customized and flexible solutions. Perma-Pipe is committed to meeting the highest standards in energy efficiency and environmental protection. To meet customer requirements, the company uses modern technologies and continuously works to improve its products and services. The company is committed to remaining competitive and offering innovative solutions through continuous investment in research and development. The different divisions of the company include Perma-Pipe Middle East, Perma-Pipe Canada, Perma-Pipe India, Perma-Pipe Energy and Water Technologies, and Perma-Pipe Manufacturing Facilities. The company's business model is to understand the needs of its customers in various industries and develop customized solutions based on them. The company has a well-trained workforce with the know-how and experience to handle complex projects from planning to commissioning. The company offers a wide range of products and services, including piping systems, heat recovery systems, control systems, and insulation. Some of Perma-Pipe's key products include supply pipes, condensate drain pipes, earthed pipes, insulation, heat recovery systems, control systems, and special pipeline components. Overall, Perma-Pipe is a leading provider of technologies and solutions for energy delivery and process plant construction. The company has extensive expertise in processing stainless steel, carbon steel, and plastic components to implement complex projects. Perma-Pipe is committed to investing continuously in research and development and offering innovative solutions to help customers improve energy efficiency and reduce operating costs. Perma-Pipe International Holdings ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf


Perma-Pipe International Holdings的员工基础调查

Perma-Pipe International Holdings的员工是其运营的关键因素,推动了创新、生产力和增长。员工队伍的规模和组成提供了公司规模、多样性以及人力资本投资的见解。分析员工数据对于理解Perma-Pipe International Holdings的运营能力和未来潜力至关重要。


通过年度比较Perma-Pipe International Holdings的员工数量,有助于发现增长模式、扩张或者收缩。员工数量的增加可能表明运营正在扩大并投资于人才,而员工数量的减少可能表明效率提升、自动化或商业挑战。


Perma-Pipe International Holdings的员工数据会影响投资决策,通过揭示公司运行效率、创新能力和持续性。投资者评估员工数据,以评估公司实施策略、创新以及适应市场变化的潜力。


Perma-Pipe International Holdings的员工数量的波动可能表明商业策略、运营需求以及市场动态的变化。投资者和分析师会研究这些趋势,以评估公司的战略定位、适应能力以及持续增长的潜力。

关于Perma-Pipe International Holdings股票的常见问题

Perma-Pipe International Holdings今年有多少员工?

Perma-Pipe International Holdings今年有1,040 undefined名员工。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings去年相比有多少员工?

与去年相比,Perma-Pipe International Holdings的员工数量增加了0%。

员工数量对Perma-Pipe International Holdings公司产生了什么影响?

员工数量直接影响了Perma-Pipe International Holdings的效率和生产力。较高的员工数量可能意味着公司正在发展并拥有更多资源以实现其目标,而较低的员工数量可能意味着公司正在节约成本或在招聘新员工方面有困难。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings的员工数量对投资者产生了什么影响?

Perma-Pipe International Holdings的员工数量也可能影响投资者,因为它可能是公司增长和财务健康的指标。较高的员工数量可能向投资者承诺,而较少的员工数量可能会引发关注。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings的股本增加会对公司产生什么影响?

增加Perma-Pipe International Holdings的股本可以提高公司的财务实力,并提高其未来进行投资和履行义务的能力。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings的股本减少会对公司产生什么影响?

降低Perma-Pipe International Holdings的股本可能会影响其财务稳定性,并降低其履行未来投资和义务的能力。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings的股权受到哪些因素的影响?

一些可能影响Perma-Pipe International Holdings股本的因素包括营业收入发展、利润及损失表、派发股息和投资等。

为什么Perma-Pipe International Holdings的股权对投资者如此重要?

Perma-Pipe International Holdings的股本对投资者来说非常重要,因为它是公司财务稳定性的指标,并且它向投资者提供了有关该公司在义务和未来投资方面有多少财务支持的信息。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings的员工数量如何影响公司?

Perma-Pipe International Holdings的员工数量可以直接影响公司的增长和表现。更多的员工数量可能会带来更大的产能和生产力,而较少的员工数量可能会导致效率下降和限制。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings在过去几年的员工人数有何变化?

在过去的几年中,Perma-Pipe International Holdings的员工数量发生了0的变化。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings目前有多少员工?

Perma-Pipe International Holdings目前有1,040 undefined名员工。

为什么Perma-Pipe International Holdings的员工人数对投资者来说很重要?

Perma-Pipe International Holdings的投资者认为员工数量非常重要,因为它是公司增长潜力和绩效的指标。还有关于公司如何管理和招聘员工的信息。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings可以采取哪些战略措施来改变员工数量?

为了改变员工数量,Perma-Pipe International Holdings可以采取包括调整薪酬包,改善工作条件,进行招聘活动,和推动积极企业文化等措施。公司需要进行全面的情况审查,以确定最佳战略措施来改变其员工数量,这一点非常重要。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings支付多少股息?

在过去的12个月中,Perma-Pipe International Holdings支付了 的股息。这相当于大约的股息收益率。在未来的12个月内,Perma-Pipe International Holdings预计将支付0 USD的股息。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings的股息收益率有多高?

Perma-Pipe International Holdings当前的股息收益率为。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings什么时候支付股息?

Perma-Pipe International Holdings按季度支付股息。这些股息将在月份分发。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings的股息有多安全?

Perma-Pipe International Holdings 在过去0年里每年都支付了股息。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings的股息有多高?

预计未来12个月的股息将达到0 USD。这相当于0 %的股息收益率。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings位于哪个行业?

Perma-Pipe International Holdings 被分配到“工业”板块。

Wann musste ich die Aktien von Perma-Pipe International Holdings kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

要获得Perma-Pipe International Holdings在支付的0 USD的最后一笔股息,你必须在的除息日之前持有该股票于你的账户中。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings最后一次支付股息是什么时候?


Perma-Pipe International Holdings在2023年的股息是多少?

在2023年,Perma-Pipe International Holdings 分配了0 USD作为股息。

Perma-Pipe International Holdings 的股息是以哪种货币支付的?

Perma-Pipe International Holdings的股息将以USD的形式分配。


Andere Kennzahlen von Perma-Pipe International Holdings

我们对Perma-Pipe International Holdings 营业额股票的股票分析包括重要的财务指标,如收入、利润、市盈率、市销率、息税折旧摊销前利润,以及有关股息的信息。此外,我们还研究了诸如股票、市值、债务、股东权益和Perma-Pipe International Holdings 营业额的负债等方面。如果您在寻找关于这些主题的更详细信息,我们在子页面上提供了详细的分析: