Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co - 股票

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 股息 2024

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 股息

1.07 TWD

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 股息收益率

1.85 %





Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 2024支付多少股息?

根据六月 2024的最新数据,Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co在过去的12个月中总共支付了每股1.07 TWD的股息。以当前Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co价格57.9 TWD来计算,这相当于1.85 %的股息收益率。 每年支付一次股息。

1.85 % 股息收益率=
1.07 TWD 股息
57.9 TWD 股票价格

历史 Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 股息



Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 股票股息

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co在2023年支付了1.07 TWD的股息。股息意味着Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co将其部分利润分配给其所有者。
  • 3年

  • 5年

  • 10年

  • 马克斯




Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co的年度股息图表提供了对每年支付给股东的股息的全面概述。分析趋势以了解多年来股息派发的稳定性和增长性。


股息的稳定或上升趋势可能表明公司的盈利能力和财务健康状况。投资者可以使用这些数据,以确认Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co的长期投资和通过股息获取收入的潜力。


在评价Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co的总体表现时,请考虑股息数据。考虑其他财务因素进行深入分析,有助于做出明智的决策,以实现最佳资本增长和收入获取。

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 分红历史

日期Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 股息
2025e1.15 TWD
2024e1.14 TWD
20231.07 TWD
20221.6 TWD
20211.2 TWD
20201 TWD
20190.34 TWD
20180.18 TWD
20060.23 TWD
20040.87 TWD

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co股息安全吗?

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co连续5年增加了股息。

在过去的10年里,Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co的这一项指标年增长率达到了0下调。



Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 股票派息率

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co在2023年的派发率为50.79%。派发率说明了Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co公司盈利的百分比作为股息派发出去。
  • 3年

  • 5年

  • 10年

  • 马克斯




Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co的年度分红比率指的是作为股息向股东分配的利润部分。它是公司财务健康和稳定性的一个指标,显示了回报给投资者的利润有多少,相比再投资于公司的金额。


Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co较低的分红比率可能意味着公司在其增长中重投资更多,而较高的比率则表明更多的利润作为股息分配。寻求规律收入的投资者可能更偏爱分红比率较高的公司,而寻求增长的投资者可能更喜欢分红比率较低的公司。


评估Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co的分红比率,结合其他金融指标和绩效指标。持续的分红比率,结合强大的财务健康状况,可能表明稳定的股息支付。但是,非常高的比率可能表示公司没有足够投资于其未来的发展。

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 分红率历史

日期Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 分配率
2025e47.32 %
2024e49.06 %
202350.79 %
202242.12 %
202154.26 %
202056 %
201911.21 %
201815.42 %
201750.79 %
201650.79 %
201550.79 %
201450.79 %
201350.79 %
201250.79 %
201150.79 %
201050.79 %
200950.79 %
200850.79 %
200750.79 %
2006211.79 %
200550.79 %
200465.59 %


Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co的股息分配理解

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co的股息是公司利润的一部分,分配给股东。它们是公司财务健康状况和投资者吸引力的关键指标。股息为投资者提供了除了可能从以比购买价格更高的价格出售股票所获得的利润之外的稳定收入流。


研究Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co年度股息支付可以凸显公司的盈利性和稳定性。持续或增长的股息支付可能表示一个财政健康的公司和可预见的利润,而股息的波动或下降可能指示基础财务或运营挑战。


Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co的股息支付是以收入为导向的投资者的一个重要因素。强劲的股息分派可以增加股票的吸引力,并提供除潜在的资本收益外的定期收入。它也可以展示出公司对其未来利润的信心,因此是投资决策的重要因素。


Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co的股息变动可能源于公司收益的变化、财务政策或再投资策略。股息的增加通常表明财务稳定,而减少可能表明需要保存现金或重新投资利润以促进增长,每个场景对投资者的影响都是不同的。

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co Aktienanalyse

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co在做什么?

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co Ltd is a Taiwanese holding company and a major player in the construction, real estate, and development industries. It was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan. The company's business model is focused on the development and construction of real estate projects, which has led to the establishment of subsidiary companies. These companies focus on various sectors in the real estate industry such as high-rise development, shopping centers, and factories. Farglory has also diversified into other industries. For example, Farglory Ocean Park Co Ltd was established to operate a theme park in Hualien. Additionally, Farglory entered the textile and apparel industry by founding Farglory Fabric Holding Co Ltd. The company's portfolio includes a wide range of products and services, such as residential and commercial properties, hotels, shopping centers, office buildings, industrial facilities, and amusement parks. The company has also invested in joint ventures and participated in projects abroad. In its history, Farglory has undertaken some notable projects. For example, it constructed Taipei 101, one of the tallest buildings in the world. Another important project by Farglory is Farglory Resort in Hualien, an exclusive hotel that features a theme park, shopping center, luxury villas, and a golf course. Farglory has also faced challenges in the past. In 2016, it was criticized by environmental activists who claimed that the company illegally built a road through Taroko National Park. In 2019, the former chairman of Farglory was charged with corruption and later arrested. Despite these controversial issues, Farglory has continued to work successfully in the real estate and development sector. It has established itself as one of the leading companies in Taiwan and expanded its business in Asia and other parts of the world. Overall, Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co Ltd is a diversified company that invests in various business sectors and offers an extensive portfolio of products and services. Despite some controversial topics, the company continues to operate successfully in the market and is poised to play a significant role in the real estate and development industry in the future. Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 是 Eulerpool.com 上最受欢迎的公司之一。

关于Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co股票的常见问题

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co支付多少股息?

在过去的12个月中,Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co支付了1.07 TWD 的股息。这相当于大约1.85 %的股息收益率。在未来的12个月内,Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co预计将支付1.15 TWD的股息。

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co的股息收益率有多高?

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co当前的股息收益率为1.85 %。

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co什么时候支付股息?

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co按季度支付股息。这些股息将在, , , 月份分发。

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co的股息有多安全?

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 在过去8年里每年都支付了股息。

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co的股息有多高?

预计未来12个月的股息将达到1.15 TWD。这相当于1.98 %的股息收益率。

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co位于哪个行业?

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 被分配到“工业”板块。

Wann musste ich die Aktien von Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

要获得Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co在支付的1.091 TWD的最后一笔股息,你必须在的除息日之前持有该股票于你的账户中。

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co最后一次支付股息是什么时候?


Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co在2023年的股息是多少?

在2023年,Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 分配了1.6 TWD作为股息。

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 的股息是以哪种货币支付的?

Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co的股息将以TWD的形式分配。

Andere Kennzahlen von Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co

我们对Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 营业额股票的股票分析包括重要的财务指标,如收入、利润、市盈率、市销率、息税折旧摊销前利润,以及有关股息的信息。此外,我们还研究了诸如股票、市值、债务、股东权益和Farglory F T Z Investment Holding Co 营业额的负债等方面。如果您在寻找关于这些主题的更详细信息,我们在子页面上提供了详细的分析: