FLIR Systems - 股票

FLIR Systems 权益回报率 2024

FLIR Systems 权益回报率








在2024年,FLIR Systems的股本回报率(ROE)为0,较上一年的0 ROE增长了0%

FLIR Systems Aktienanalyse

FLIR Systems在做什么?

FLIR Systems Inc is a US company based in Wilsonville, Oregon, specializing in the development and sale of infrared cameras and other sensor technologies. The abbreviation FLIR stands for Forward Looking Infrared. The company was founded in 1978 by David Norman near Boston, Massachusetts. Originally, FLIR was involved in the development and production of cryogenic cooling devices and reconnaissance equipment for the US government. Over time, the company expanded its offering and specialized in infrared technology. Today, FLIR's product portfolio includes a variety of infrared cameras and systems, including handheld devices, thermal imagers, stationary surveillance systems, and gas and air leak detection systems. This includes products for security and defense, industrial applications, thermal imaging, thermographic inspections, and research and development purposes. In recent years, FLIR has been heavily involved in thermal imaging and unmanned aviation. In collaboration with DJI, the world's leading provider of drones and camera equipment, FLIR has developed a range of thermal imaging cameras that can be integrated into drones. These cameras are often used by rescue teams, police, and firefighters to investigate fire sources and search for missing persons. A large part of FLIR's products is also used in industrial inspection and quality control. Specifically, FLIR's thermographic cameras enable companies to analyze and, if necessary, eliminate malfunctions in real-time in electrical installations, tube container systems, and high-voltage towers. However, FLIR is not only involved in infrared camera technology but also offers various services. This includes consulting for companies, organizations, or even governments regarding the implementation of infrared cameras for gas detection, fever detection, and other applications. The development of innovations is also an important part of FLIR Systems' business. In recent years, FLIR has also invested in artificial intelligence and machine learning to make its camera systems more intelligent. For example, products like the FLIR Firefly™ series have been developed, which use deep learning algorithms to identify and recognize objects in the field of view. FLIR Systems is a globally active company with branches and distribution partners worldwide. The company currently employs approximately 3,700 employees, most of them in the USA. Through the development and production of infrared technology, the company has managed to secure a solid position in the global market and is considered one of the market leaders in this field. FLIR Systems ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf


FLIR Systems的股本回报率(ROE)解密

FLIR Systems的股本回报率(ROE)是一项基本的指标,用于评估公司相对于自有资本的盈利能力。ROE通过将净利润除以股东的股权来计算,展示了公司从股东投资中获取收益的效率。较高的ROE代表着增加的效率和盈利能力。


对FLIR Systems的ROE进行年度比较分析有助于追踪盈利趋势和财务表现。ROE的上升表明了盈利能力和为股东创造价值的增加,而ROE的下降则可能表明了盈利或者资本管理方面的问题。


FLIR Systems的ROE对评估公司的盈利能力、效率和投资吸引力的投资者来说是至关重要的。强大的ROE显示出公司将股权投资转化为盈利的能力,从而增加了其对潜在和现有投资者的吸引力。


FLIR Systems的ROE的变化可能源于净利润、股权或两者的波动。这些波动被用来评估管理效率、财务策略及其相关的风险和机会,并帮助投资者做出明智的决策。

关于FLIR Systems股票的常见问题

FLIR Systems今年的股本回报率(ROE)有多高?

FLIR Systems今年的ROE为0 undefined。

FLIR Systems的股权回报率(ROE)与去年相比有何变化?

与去年相比,FLIR Systems的ROE已经下降了0%。

FLIR Systems的高ROE(股本回报率)对投资者有什么影响?

一个高ROE表明FLIR Systems获得了良好的资本回报,并成功地将其投资变现。对投资者来说,这是一个积极的指标。

FLIR Systems的投资者,低ROE(股权回报率)会有什么影响?

一个较低的ROE可能表明FLIR Systems在成功地将其投资变现方面面临困难,这可能对投资者来说是一个负面的信号。

FLIR Systems的权益回报率(ROE)变化会对公司产生什么影响?

ROE(股东权益回报率)的变动FLIR Systems可能是衡量公司财务表现的指标,并显示该公司与同行业其他公司相比有多成功。

如何计算FLIR Systems的ROE(股本回报率)?

ROE(股本回报率)的计算方法是将公司的利润除以总股本。公式为:ROE = 利润 / 总股本。

FLIR Systems的股本回报率(ROE)受哪些因素影响?

影响FLIR Systems的股权回报率(ROE)的一些因素包括资本利用效率,公司的盈利能力和融资结构等。



FLIR Systems支付多少股息?

在过去的12个月中,FLIR Systems支付了0.68 USD 的股息。这相当于大约1.19 %的股息收益率。在未来的12个月内,FLIR Systems预计将支付1.35 USD的股息。

FLIR Systems的股息收益率有多高?

FLIR Systems当前的股息收益率为1.19 %。

FLIR Systems什么时候支付股息?

FLIR Systems按季度支付股息。这些股息将在, , , 月份分发。

FLIR Systems的股息有多安全?

FLIR Systems 在过去15年里每年都支付了股息。

FLIR Systems的股息有多高?

预计未来12个月的股息将达到1.35 USD。这相当于2.35 %的股息收益率。

FLIR Systems位于哪个行业?

FLIR Systems 被分配到“信息技术”板块。

Wann musste ich die Aktien von FLIR Systems kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

要获得FLIR Systems在支付的0.17 USD的最后一笔股息,你必须在的除息日之前持有该股票于你的账户中。

FLIR Systems最后一次支付股息是什么时候?


FLIR Systems在2023年的股息是多少?

在2023年,FLIR Systems 分配了1.393 USD作为股息。

FLIR Systems 的股息是以哪种货币支付的?

FLIR Systems的股息将以USD的形式分配。


FLIR Systems 股票在以下供应商处可进行定投计划:Trade Republic

Andere Kennzahlen von FLIR Systems

我们对FLIR Systems 营业额股票的股票分析包括重要的财务指标,如收入、利润、市盈率、市销率、息税折旧摊销前利润,以及有关股息的信息。此外,我们还研究了诸如股票、市值、债务、股东权益和FLIR Systems 营业额的负债等方面。如果您在寻找关于这些主题的更详细信息,我们在子页面上提供了详细的分析: