Чи є дивіденди Edgewell Personal Care надійними?
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Edgewell Personal Care Aktienanalyse
Що робить Edgewell Personal Care?
Edgewell Personal Care Co is a global provider of high-quality personal care products for men and women. The company was founded in 2015 when it was spun off from Energizer Holdings Inc. Its business is based on a variety of top brands, including Schick, Wilkinson Sword, Skintimate, Hawaiian Tropic, Banana Boat, and Bulldog.
Edgewell Personal Care is an internationally operating company based in Chesterfield, Missouri. The company consists of three main business segments: Personal Care, Consumer Goods, and Professional. In the Personal Care segment, Edgewell offers a variety of products, including razors, men's grooming products, skincare, sunscreens, and women's razors. Consumer Goods includes consumer products such as batteries, flashlights, auto accessories, and pet care devices. The Professional Business segment focuses on hygiene products for medical facilities as well as consumer products for electronic markets.
Edgewell has a strong focus on innovation, design, and research and development. The company has a strong brand presence in the personal care industry and is proud that its products are appreciated by consumers worldwide. The company has a track record in mergers and acquisitions. In 2016, Edgewell acquired the niche player Pershing Square Holdings. In 2018, Edgewell acquired 100% of the products of Harry's, based in Buffalo Grove, IL, along with its online distribution platform.
The company has also invested in renewable energy and developed a solid environmental strategy to fulfill its responsibility to the environment. Edgewell aims to reduce its CO2 emissions by 50% by 2025 and transition to 100% renewable energy by 2030. In addition, the company strives to make its products and packaging more sustainable.
Among the company's leading brands are the world's leading razor manufacturer, Schick, and Wilkinson Sword, the manufacturer of the first disposable razors with the world-famous Bic brand. Schick is known for its innovative razors, including the Schick Hydro, Hydro Silk, and Hydro5. Wilkinson Sword has a reputable customer base due to its high-quality razors of all kinds and is currently the market leader in Europe.
The company is also a key player in skincare. Some of the well-known brands include Skintimate, a shaving gel specifically for women, Hawaiian Tropic, whose sunscreen is known for its coconut and banana scent, and Bulldog, a men's grooming brand focused on men's well-being.
Edgewell also relies on collaborations with local retailers to sell its products. The company has partnerships with leading retailers in various countries such as Walmart, Target, Amazon, and Boots.
Edgewell Personal Care Co is a strong player in the global personal care industry. The company has a diversified business model, is innovative in its research and development. It has a wide range of brands and product categories and is committed to environmental protection, making it a balanced choice for investors and consumers. Edgewell Personal Care є однією з найпопулярніших компаній на Eulerpool.com.Акціонерні заощаджувальні плани пропонують привабливу можливість для інвесторів довгостроково накопичувати капітал. Однією з основних переваг є так званий ефект середньої вартості інвестицій: інвестуючи регулярно фіксовану суму в акції або акціонерні фонди, автоматично купують більше часток, коли ціни низькі, та менше, коли вони високі. Це може призвести до більш вигідної середньої ціни за частку з часом. Крім того, акціонерні заощаджувальні плани також надають можливість малим інвесторам отримати доступ до дорогих акцій, оскільки вони можуть брати участь навіть з малими сумами. Регулярні інвестиції також сприяють дисциплінованій інвестиційній стратегії та допомагають уникнути емоційних рішень, таких як імпульсивне купівля або продаж. Крім того, інвестори отримують вигоду від потенційного зростання вартості акцій, а також від виплати дивідендів, які можуть бути реінвестовані, що посилює ефект складних відсотків та таким чином зростання інвестованого капіталу.