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Analiza akcija

Shimizu Akcija



Danas +/-
Danas %
+3,58 %

Shimizu Akcija Promet, EBIT, Dobit


Promet, Profit & EBIT

Razumevanje prometa, EBIT-a i prihoda

Dobijte uvid u Shimizu, sveobuhvatan pregled finansijskih performansi može se dobiti analizom dijagrama prometa, EBIT-a i prihoda. Promet predstavlja ukupni prihod koji Shimizu ostvaruje iz svojih glavnih poslova i pokazuje sposobnost kompanije da privlači i zadržava klijente. EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) pruža informacije o operativnoj profitabilnosti kompanije, oslobođen od poreskih i kamatnih troškova. Deo prihoda odražava neto profit Shimizu, krajnju meru njegovog finansijskog zdravlja i profitabilnosti.

Godišnja analiza i poređenja

Pogledajte godišnje stubove kako biste razumeli godišnje performanse i rast Shimizu. Uporedite promet, EBIT i prihod kako biste procenili efikasnost i profitabilnost kompanije. Veći EBIT u poređenju s prošlom godinom ukazuje na unapređenje operativne efikasnosti. Slično tome, povećanje prihoda ukazuje na povećanu ukupnu profitabilnost. Analiza poređenja iz godine u godinu pomaže investitorima da razumeju rast i operativnu efikasnost kompanije.

Koristite očekivanja za investiranje

Predviđene vrednosti za naredne godine pružaju investitorima uvid u očekivane finansijske performanse Shimizu. Analiza ovih prognoza zajedno s istorijskim podacima pomaže da se donesu informisane investicione odluke. Investitori mogu proceniti potencijalne rizike i prinose i uskladiti svoje investicione strategije kako bi optimizovali profitabilnost i smanjili rizike.

Uvid u investicije

Upoređivanje prometa i EBIT-a pomaže u proceni operativne efikasnosti Shimizu, dok upoređivanje prometa i prihoda otkriva neto profitabilnost nakon uzimanja u obzir svih troškova. Investitori mogu steći dragocene uvide analizirajući ove finansijske parametre pažljivo i tako postaviti temelj za strateške investicione odluke kako bi iskoristili potencijal za rast Shimizu.

Shimizu Prihod, dobit i EBIT istorija

DatumShimizu PrometShimizu EBITShimizu Profit

Shimizu Акција Маргине

Shimizu анализа маржи приказује бруто маржу, ЕБИТ маржу, као и маржу добити компаније Shimizu. ЕБИТ маржа (ЕБИТ/продаја) указује колики проценат од продате робе остаје као оперативни добитак. Маржа добити показује колики проценат продате робе компаније Shimizu остаје.

Bruto marža
EBIT marža
Profitna marža


Razumevanje bruto marže

Bruto marža, izražena u procentima, pokazuje bruto dobit od prodaje Shimizu. Viši procenat bruto marže znači da Shimizu zadržava više prihoda nakon što su uzeti u obzir troškovi prodatih roba. Investitori koriste ovaj pokazatelj da ocene finansijsko zdravlje i operativnu efikasnost, i da je uporede sa konkurentima i prosečnim vrednostima u industriji.

Analiza marže EBIT

Marža EBIT predstavlja profit Shimizu pre kamata i poreza. Analiza marže EBIT kroz različite godine pruža uvide u operativnu profitabilnost i efikasnost, bez efekata finansijskog leveraginga i poreske strukture. Rastuća marža EBIT tokom godina signalizira poboljšanu operativnu izvedbu.

Uvidi u maržu obrta

Marža obrta pokazuje ukupan promet koji Shimizu ostvari. Upoređivanjem marže obrta iz godine u godinu, investitori mogu da procene rast i širenje tržišta Shimizu. Važno je uporediti maržu obrta sa bruto i EBIT maržom, kako bi se bolje razumele strukture troškova i profita.

Tumačenje očekivanja

Očekivane vrednosti za bruto, EBIT i maržu obrta daju budući finansijski izgled Shimizu. Investitori bi trebali da uporede ova očekivanja sa istorijskim podacima kako bi razumeli potencijalni rast i faktore rizika. Presudno je uzeti u obzir pretpostavke i metode koje su korišćene za prognozu ovih očekivanih vrednosti kako bi se donosile informisane investicione odluke.

Analiza poređenja

Poređenje bruto, EBIT i marži obrta, godišnje i kroz više godina, omogućuje investitorima da izvrše sveobuhvatnu analizu finansijskog zdravlja i perspektive rasta Shimizu. Procena trendova i obrazaca u tim maržama pomaže u identifikovanju snaga, slabosti i potencijalnih investicionih prilika.

Shimizu Istorija margine

Shimizu Bruto maržaShimizu Profitna maržaShimizu EBIT maržaShimizu Profitna marža

Shimizu акција промет, EBIT, добит по акцији

Shimizu-промет по акцији отуда показује колико промета Shimizu у једном периоду припада свакој акцији. EBIT по акцији показује колико оперативног профита припада свакој акцији. Добит по акцији указује колико профита припада свакој акцији.

Prihod po akciji
EBIT po akciji
Dobit po akciji

Promet, EBIT i Zarada po deonici

Promet po deonici

Promet po deonici predstavlja ukupan promet koji Shimizu ostvaruje, podeljen brojem izdatih deonica. To je ključna metrika, jer odražava sposobnost kompanije da generiše promet i pokazuje potencijal za rast i širenje. Godišnja poređenja prometa po deonici omogućuju investitorima da analiziraju postojanost prihoda kompanije i predviđaju buduće trendove.

EBIT po deonici

EBIT po deonici označava dobit Shimizu pre kamata i poreza, i pruža uvid u operativnu profitabilnost, ne uzimajući u obzir efekte kapitalne strukture i poreske stope. Može se uporediti s prometom po deonici kako bi se ocenila efikasnost pretvaranja prodaje u profit. Konstantan porast EBIT-a po deonici tokom godina naglašava operativnu efikasnost i profitabilnost.

Prihod po deonici

Prihod po deonici ili Zarada po deonici (EPS) pokazuje deo dobiti Shimizu koji se dodeljuje svakoj deonici osnovnog kapitala. To je ključno za ocenu profitabilnosti i finansijskog zdravlja. Poređenjem s prometom i EBIT-om po deonici, investitori mogu videti koliko efikasno kompanija pretvara promet i operativni profit u neto prihod.

Očekivane vrednosti

Očekivane vrednosti su prognoze za promet, EBIT i prihod po deonici za naredne godine. Ove prognoze, koje se baziraju na istorijskim podacima i tržišnim analizama, pomažu investitorima da strategizuju svoje investicije, ocene buduće poslovanje Shimizu i procene buduće cene deonica. Međutim, ključno je uzeti u obzir tržišne volatilnosti i neizvesnosti koje mogu uticati na ove prognoze.

Shimizu Promet, dobit i EBIT po akciji - istorija

DatumShimizu Prihod po akcijiShimizu EBIT po akcijiShimizu Dobit po akciji

Shimizu Akcija i analiza akcija

Shimizu Corp is a Japanese construction company with a long and successful history. The company was founded in Tokyo in 1804 and has since become a global company. Shimizu Corp is now a leading company in the construction and real estate industry, offering a wide range of products and services that cover both the private and public sectors. The business model of Shimizu Corp is focused on sustainability, innovation, and quality. The company is heavily engaged in research and development and continuously invests in new technologies and processes to provide its customers with the best possible solutions. The company is also committed to aligning its business practices with societal values and norms and proactively addressing environmental and social challenges. The different divisions of Shimizu Corp include high-rise construction, civil engineering, and facility management. High-rise construction includes building various types of buildings, including residential, office, industrial, and public buildings. Civil engineering covers a wide range of infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, and ports. The facility management team supports customers in managing their buildings and facilities throughout the entire lifecycle. Shimizu Corp offers a variety of products and services that cater to the diverse needs of its customers. The company is known for its advanced technologies and processes, including the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM), a 3D modeling technology that allows for digital planning and construction of buildings and infrastructure projects. The company is also a pioneer in the field of seismology and has extensive experience in designing buildings that are resilient enough to withstand the challenges of earthquakes and other natural disasters. Another product of Shimizu Corp is the "Eco-Cube System," an environmentally friendly and sustainable construction concept developed in response to climate change and rising energy costs. The Eco-Cubes consist of modular houses and buildings that are powered by renewable energy sources, resulting in a minimal carbon footprint. Shimizu Corp also has a strong focus on international projects and is actively involved in several countries in Asia, the USA, and the Middle East. The company aims to bring the expertise and capabilities it has built in Japan to the global stage and promote the success of its customers worldwide. Overall, Shimizu Corp has an impressive track record as an innovative and future-oriented construction company. The company has established a reputation as a trusted and reliable partner, providing its customers with high-quality and sustainable solutions that meet the challenges of the 21st century. Shimizu je jedna od najpopularnijih kompanija na

Napravi najbolje investicije svog života

Od 2 evra osigurajте

Shimizu Ocena na osnovu istorijskog KGV, EBIT i KUV


Napravi najbolje investicije svog života

Od 2 evra osigurajте

Napravi najbolje investicije svog života

Od 2 evra osigurajте
Trenutno, nažalost, nema dostupnih ciljanih cena i prognoza za Shimizu.

Shimizu Iznenađenja u zaradi

DatumProcena EPSaEPS-ActualKvartal izveštaja
30. 9. 2024.17,61 11,79  (-33,07 %)2025 Q2
30. 6. 2024.14,79 3,41  (-76,94 %)2025 Q1
31. 3. 2024.45,44 52,08  (14,61 %)2024 Q4
31. 12. 2023.16,45 -50,61  (-407,61 %)2024 Q3
30. 9. 2023.10,92 -3,31  (-130,34 %)2024 Q2
30. 6. 2023.11,70 25,28  (116,15 %)2024 Q1
31. 3. 2023.41,06 37,24  (-9,30 %)2023 Q4
31. 12. 2022.30,61 13,75  (-55,09 %)2023 Q3
30. 9. 2022.15,49 10,31  (-33,49 %)2023 Q2
30. 9. 2019.27,56 30,33  (10,03 %)2020 Q2

Eulerpool ESG ocena za akciju Shimizu

Eulerpool World ESG Rating (EESG©)

89/ 100

🌱 Environment


👫 Social


🏛️ Governance


Životna sredina (Environment)

Direktne emisije
Indirektne emisije iz kupljene energije
Indirektne emisije unutar lanca vrednosti
CO₂ emisije
Strategija redukcije CO₂
Ugalj energija
Atomska energija
Eksperimenti na životinjama
Pelz & Leder
Palmino ulje
Koncept klime
Održivo šumarstvo
Pravila o reciklaži
Ekološka ambalaža
Opasne materije
Potrošnja i efikasnost goriva
Potrošnja i efikasnost vode

Društveno (Social)

Udeo žena zaposlenih16,945
Udeo žena u menadžmentu
Udeo azijskih zaposlenih
Udeo azijskog menadžmenta
Udeo hispansko/latinskih zaposlenih
Udeo hispano/latino menadžmenta
Udeo crnačkih zaposlenih
Udeo crnačkog menadžmenta
Udeo belih zaposlenih
Udeo belačkog menadžmenta
Sadržaji za odrasle
Ugovori o vojsci
Koncept ljudskih prava
Koncept zaštite podataka
Zaštita na radu i zdravlje

Upravljanje preduzećem (Governance)

Izveštaj o održivosti
Angažovanje zainteresovanih strana
Politika povlačenja
Antimonopolsko pravo

Renomirani Eulerpool ESG rejting je strogo autorsko zaštićena intelektualna svojina Eulerpool Research Systems. Svaka neovlašćena upotreba, imitacija ili kršenje će biti odlučno gonjena i može dovesti do značajnih pravnih posledica. Za licence, saradnju ili prava korišćenja molimo Vas da se direktno obratite preko našeg Formular za kontakt na nas.

Shimizu Upravni i Nadzorni odbor

Mr. Kazuyuki Inoue

Shimizu President, Executive President, Representative Director (od 2013)
Naknada: 142,00 mil.

Mr. Yoichi Miyamoto

Shimizu Chairman of the Board, Representative Director (od 2003)
Naknada: 133,00 mil.

Mr. Hiroshi Fujimura

Shimizu Executive Vice President, Vice President, Chief Director of General Sales, Director (od 2015)

Mr. Kentaro Ikeda

Shimizu Executive Vice President, Vice President, Chief Director of General Civil Engineering, Representative Director

Mr. Yoshito Tsutsumi

Shimizu Executive Vice President, Chief Director of General Construction

Česta pitanja o Shimizu akciji

What values and corporate philosophy does Shimizu represent?

Shimizu Corp represents various values and a strong corporate philosophy. With a history spanning over 220 years, Shimizu Corp focuses on providing innovative and sustainable solutions in the construction industry. The company is dedicated to delivering exceptional quality, safety, and integrity in all its projects. Shimizu Corp prioritizes environmental consciousness, aiming to contribute to society through eco-friendly initiatives. By embracing cutting-edge technology and promoting teamwork, Shimizu Corp strives to create long-term value for its stakeholders. As a renowned construction company, Shimizu Corp's commitment to excellence and its customer-centric approach ensures its position as a leader in the industry.

In which countries and regions is Shimizu primarily present?

Shimizu Corp is primarily present in Japan, where it is headquartered. As a leading construction company, Shimizu Corp has established a strong presence across various regions in Japan. With a rich history and expertise in a wide range of construction projects, the company has undertaken both domestic and international ventures. While Japan remains its primary focus, Shimizu Corp has also expanded its operations to other countries and regions, including Asia, the Middle East, the Americas, and Europe. This global presence allows Shimizu Corp to leverage its extensive experience and provide innovative construction solutions in diverse markets.

What significant milestones has the company Shimizu achieved?

Shimizu Corp, a renowned company in the construction industry, has achieved significant milestones throughout its history. With more than 200 years of experience, Shimizu Corp has established itself as a leading force in the global market. Some notable milestones include the completion of iconic projects such as the Tokyo Skytree, the world's tallest freestanding tower, and the Tokyo Aquatics Centre for the 2020 Olympics. Additionally, Shimizu Corp has maintained a strong focus on sustainable practices, receiving recognition for its environmentally friendly initiatives. These achievements highlight Shimizu Corp's commitment to excellence and innovation in the construction sector.

What is the history and background of the company Shimizu?

Shimizu Corp is a renowned Japanese construction company with a rich history and extensive background. Established in 1804, the company has evolved and grown into a leader in the construction industry, both domestically and internationally. With over two centuries of experience, Shimizu Corp has successfully completed numerous prestigious projects, ranging from infrastructure development to architectural landmarks. Their commitment to innovation, technology, and sustainability has cemented their reputation as a trusted and reliable construction partner. Shimizu Corp's dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction has enabled them to maintain their position as a prominent player in the global construction market.

Who are the main competitors of Shimizu in the market?

The main competitors of Shimizu Corp in the market are Kajima Corporation, Obayashi Corporation, and Taisei Corporation.

In which industries is Shimizu primarily active?

Shimizu Corp is primarily active in the construction industry.

What is the business model of Shimizu?

The business model of Shimizu Corp is centered around construction and engineering services. As one of the leading construction companies in Japan, Shimizu Corp offers a wide range of services including architecture, civil engineering, and renovation. With a focus on sustainable and innovative solutions, the company undertakes various projects such as commercial buildings, residential complexes, and infrastructure development. Shimizu Corp's business model also incorporates project management and cutting-edge technologies to deliver high-quality construction projects. Additionally, the company emphasizes collaboration, customer satisfaction, and environmental responsibility in its operations to ensure long-term success in the industry.

Koji P/E odnos ima Shimizu 2024?

KGV za Shimizu trenutno ne može biti izračunato.

Koji je KUV za Shimizu 2024?

KUV za Shimizu trenutno ne može biti izračunat.

Koji AlleAktien kvalitetni skor ima Shimizu?

AlleAktien Qualitätsscore trenutno ne može biti izračunat za Shimizu.

Koliki je prihod od Shimizu 2024?

Prihod trenutno ne može biti izračunat za Shimizu.

Koliki je profit kompanije Shimizu 2024?

Profit trenutno ne može biti izračunat za Shimizu.

Шта ради Shimizu?

The Shimizu Corporation is a Japanese company that operates in the fields of construction, real estate, energy, and the environment. It was founded in 1804 and has its headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. The company operates internationally and has offices in Asia, North America, and Europe. In the construction sector, the company offers a variety of services ranging from planning and consulting to the execution of construction projects. The projects range from houses to bridges, soccer stadiums, and other public facilities. It specializes in environmentally friendly and durable buildings and always strives to use the latest technology and high-quality materials. The company has a reputation for providing high-quality and innovative solutions. In the real estate sector, Shimizu develops and manages real estate projects such as apartments, offices, shopping centers, and hotels. It focuses on innovative and sustainable approaches to create a harmonious relationship between humans and the environment. The company also specializes in renovating historic buildings to adapt them to the requirements of today's society. Shimizu's energy and environment division utilizes its technical skills and expertise to find solutions to environmental problems. The company develops renewable energy systems such as solar power plants and wind turbines, among others. It also takes care of the maintenance and modernization of existing energy facilities. The goal is to promote a sustainable lifestyle and minimize the carbon footprint. In addition to its core business, Shimizu is also active in the manufacturing and technology sectors. It produces construction materials and offers specialized products such as 3D-printed buildings. Lastly, the company is involved in mining and explores mineral resources such as iron, aluminum, and basalt. Overall, Shimizu's business model is based on delivering innovative and sustainable solutions to its customers. With over 200 years of experience and dedication, the company has built an excellent reputation and is a well-known and respected brand in the construction industry. Shimizu is committed to continue providing high-quality and innovative products and services that contribute to preserving the environment and society.

Kolika je Shimizu dividenda?

Shimizu isplaćuje dividendu od 0 JPY raspoređenu preko isplata u toku godine.

Koliko često Shimizu isplaćuje dividendu?

Dividenda za Shimizu trenutno ne može biti izračunata ili kompanija ne isplaćuje dividendu.

Šta je Shimizu ISIN?

ISIN od Shimizu je JP3358800005.

Šta je Shimizu WKN?

WKN od Shimizu je 857801.

Koji je Shimizu berzanski simbol?

Oznaka za praćenje akcija kompanije Shimizu je 1803.T.

Kolika je dividenda koju isplaćuje Shimizu?

U poslednjih 12 meseci, Shimizu je isplatio dividendu u iznosu od . To odgovara dividendnom prinosu od oko . Za narednih 12 meseci, Shimizu će verovatno isplatiti dividendu od 18,77 JPY.

Kolika je dividendna prinosa za Shimizu?

Dividendski prinos od Shimizu trenutno iznosi .

Kada Shimizu isplaćuje dividendu?

Shimizu isplaćuje dividende na kvartalnom nivou. One se isplaćuju u mesecima октобар, април, октобар, април.

Koliko je sigurna dividenda od Shimizu?

Shimizu je isplaćivao dividendu svake godine u poslednjih 23 godina.

Kolika je dividenda kompanije Shimizu?

Za narednih 12 meseci očekuju se dividende u iznosu od 18,77 JPY. To odgovara dividendnom prinosu od 1,58 %.

U kom sektoru se nalazi Shimizu?

Shimizu se svrstava u sektor 'Industrija'.

Wann musste ich die Aktien von Shimizu kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

Da biste primili poslednju dividendu od Shimizu od 1. 12. 2024. u iznosu od 11,5 JPY, morali ste da imate akciju u depou pre Ex-dana 27. 9. 2024..

Kada je Shimizu poslednji put isplatio dividendu?

Isplata poslednje dividende izvršena je 1. 12. 2024..

Kolika je bila dividenda od Shimizu u godini 2023?

U godini 2023 kompanija Shimizu je isplatila 24 JPY kao dividende.

U kojoj valuti Shimizu isplaćuje dividendu?

Dividende od Shimizu se isplaćuju u JPY.

Ostali pokazatelji i analize od Shimizu u dubinskoj analizi

Naša analiza akcija za akciju Shimizu Promet uključuje važne finansijske pokazatelje kao što su prihod, profit, P/E odnos, P/S odnos, EBIT, kao i informacije o dividendama. Takođe, razmatramo aspekte poput akcija, tržišne kapitalizacije, dugova, kapitala i obaveza kompanije Shimizu Promet. Ako tražite detaljnije informacije o ovim temama, na našim podstranicama vam nudimo opsežne analize: