Kiek dividendų moka Toshiba 2024?
Pagal paskutinę informaciją nuo gruodis 2024, Toshiba per paskutinius 12 mėnesių mokėjo bendrą dividendą, kuris sudarė 210,00 JPY už akciją. Esant dabartiniam Toshiba kursui 4 590,00 JPY, tai atitinka 4,58 % dividendų grąžą.
Dividendai mokami kartus per metus.
4,58 % Dividendo grąža | = | 210,00 JPY Dividendas | 4 590,00 JPY akcijų kaina |
Ar Toshiba dividendai yra saugūs?
Toshiba kasmet didina dividendus jau 3 metus.
Per pastaruosius 10 metus Toshiba kasmet 10,132 % padidėjo.
Per 5 metų laikotarpį augo išmokos padidėjo 60,043 %.
Analitikai prognozuoja, kad einamaisiais verslo metais Dividendų didinimas bus 2,532%.
Toshiba Aktienanalyse
Ką daro Toshiba?
Toshiba Corp. is a Japanese conglomerate with businesses in electronics, power generation, and infrastructure. The company's history dates back to 1875 when entrepreneur Tanaka Hisashige founded a telegraph company in Tokyo. It was later renamed Shibaura Seisakusho and eventually merged with Tokyo Electric Company (TEC) in 1939. The resulting company was renamed Toshiba Corporation.
Toshiba Corp.'s business model is focused on the development, manufacturing, and marketing of innovative products and services. The company operates globally and has numerous subsidiaries and joint ventures. It operates in various industries including electronics, infrastructure, energy, aerospace, consumer appliances, ropeways, and ships.
One of Toshiba Corp.'s most well-known divisions is electronics. The company produces televisions, laptops, tablets, household appliances, optical storage media, and semiconductors. It has also made significant innovations in this field, such as the development of the world's first NAND flash memory and the laptop format.
Another important division is infrastructure. Toshiba offers products and services for the modernization and maintenance of critical infrastructures, such as transportation and energy supply systems. It is involved in the development of street lighting systems and the renovation of power plants, among other things.
Toshiba is a major player in the power generation industry. The company is involved in the development and manufacturing of nuclear reactors, steam turbines, solar modules, and batteries. Toshiba has also made important contributions to nuclear power technology, including the development of the world's first pressurized water reactor (PWR).
In the aerospace industry, Toshiba is a key supplier to aircraft manufacturers and has developed various important technologies for the sector. In the consumer appliances sector, Toshiba specializes in the production of devices such as air conditioners, heaters, washing machines, and refrigerators. The company's portfolio also includes ropeways and ships.
Over the years, Toshiba has built a wide portfolio of companies and subsidiaries through mergers, acquisitions, and spin-offs. This includes a variety of companies in areas such as telecommunications, medical technology, semiconductors, satellite communication, and robotics.
In recent times, however, the company has also faced difficult times. In 2015, a financial scandal was revealed, in which the company had hidden high losses for years. This led to significant financial losses and a drastic reduction in jobs.
Despite these challenges, Toshiba has continued to expand its business areas and is now an important corporation in various fields. The company is continuously working on new products and services and is striving to expand its role in the global technology market. Toshiba yra viena populiariausių įmonių svetainėje.Akcijų taupymo planai siūlo patrauklią galimybę investuotojams ilgalaikėje perspektyvoje kurti turtą. Vienas pagrindinių privalumų yra vadinamasis vidutinės išlaidos efektas: reguliariai investuojant fiksuotą sumą į akcijas arba akcijų fondus, automatiškai perkama daugiau dalinių vertybių popierių, kai kainos yra žemos, ir mažiau – kai jos aukštos. Tai gali lemti palankesnę vidutinę dalies kainą per laiką. Be to, akcijų taupymo planai suteikia galimybę ir smulkiesiems investuotojams patekti į brangias akcijas, nes jie gali dalyvauti jau su mažomis sumomis. Reguliarus investavimas taip pat skatina disciplinuotą investavimo strategiją ir padeda išvengti emociškai pagrįstų sprendimų, pavyzdžiui, impulsyvaus pirkimo ar pardavimo. Be to, investuotojai gauna naudos iš potencialaus akcijų vertės augimo bei iš dividendų, kurie gali būti reinvestuoti, kas sustiprina sudėtinio palūkanų efektą ir taip skatina investuoto kapitalo augimą.