Kiek dividendų moka Americold Realty Trust 2024?
Pagal paskutinę informaciją nuo gruodis 2024, Americold Realty Trust per paskutinius 12 mėnesių mokėjo bendrą dividendą, kuris sudarė 0,88 USD už akciją. Esant dabartiniam Americold Realty Trust kursui 23,86 USD, tai atitinka 3,69 % dividendų grąžą.
Dividendai mokami 4 kartus per metus.
3,69 % Dividendo grąža | = | 0,88 USD Dividendas | 23,86 USD akcijų kaina |
Ar Americold Realty Trust dividendai yra saugūs?
Americold Realty Trust kasmet didina dividendus jau 1 metus.
Per pastaruosius 10 metus Americold Realty Trust kasmet 0 % sumažinta.
Per 5 metų laikotarpį augo išmokos padidėjo 4,621 %.
Analitikai prognozuoja, kad einamaisiais verslo metais Dividendų didinimas bus 0,952%.
Americold Realty Trust Aktienanalyse
Ką daro Americold Realty Trust?
Americold Realty Trust is a leading company in the field of cold storage and logistics based in Atlanta, Georgia. The company's history dates back to 1903 when it was founded as the American Ice Company. Over the years, the company has developed into a specialist in temperature-controlled storage and logistics. In 2010, it was renamed Americold Realty Trust and went public in 2018.
Americold's business model is based on providing customized solutions for customers who need to store and transport perishable food, beverages, and other temperature-sensitive products. The company operates a network of over 180 modern cold storage facilities in North America, Latin America, Europe, and Asia. These warehouses are equipped with state-of-the-art temperature, humidity, and other facilities to maintain product safety and quality.
Americold offers a wide range of products and services, including storage facilities, transportation, packaging, customs clearance, and other logistics services. The company serves customers in various industries, including retail, food and beverage manufacturing, pharmaceutical and biosciences, and e-commerce companies.
The key divisions of Americold are:
1. Cold Storage: Americold has one of the largest networks of cold storage facilities in North America and offers a wide range of storage options tailored to each customer's specific requirements. The company is able to precisely monitor and control temperature and humidity conditions to ensure safe storage and preservation of temperature-sensitive products.
2. Transportation and Logistics: Americold provides a wide range of transportation and logistics services to ensure products are safely and efficiently delivered from the manufacturer to the consumer. The company has a fleet of refrigerated and freezer trucks as well as a network of terminals and facilities to facilitate the efficient handling of shipments.
3. Packaging: Americold offers a wide range of packaging solutions to assist customers in safely and efficiently packaging their products. The company can design and create custom packaging to meet the specific requirements of each product.
4. Customs Clearance: Americold provides customs clearance services to ensure the efficient handling of shipments between different countries. The company ensures that all necessary documents are in place and that shipments are transported in compliance with applicable regulations.
Americold Realty Trust is a company that relies on innovation and advanced technologies to improve quality and efficiency in cold storage and logistics. The company is committed to meeting the needs of its customers and ensuring seamless integration of storage and logistics. Americold Realty Trust yra viena populiariausių įmonių svetainėje.Akcijų taupymo planai siūlo patrauklią galimybę investuotojams ilgalaikėje perspektyvoje kurti turtą. Vienas pagrindinių privalumų yra vadinamasis vidutinės išlaidos efektas: reguliariai investuojant fiksuotą sumą į akcijas arba akcijų fondus, automatiškai perkama daugiau dalinių vertybių popierių, kai kainos yra žemos, ir mažiau – kai jos aukštos. Tai gali lemti palankesnę vidutinę dalies kainą per laiką. Be to, akcijų taupymo planai suteikia galimybę ir smulkiesiems investuotojams patekti į brangias akcijas, nes jie gali dalyvauti jau su mažomis sumomis. Reguliarus investavimas taip pat skatina disciplinuotą investavimo strategiją ir padeda išvengti emociškai pagrįstų sprendimų, pavyzdžiui, impulsyvaus pirkimo ar pardavimo. Be to, investuotojai gauna naudos iš potencialaus akcijų vertės augimo bei iš dividendų, kurie gali būti reinvestuoti, kas sustiprina sudėtinio palūkanų efektą ir taip skatina investuoto kapitalo augimą.