Bukit Asam Tbk PT - 株式

Bukit Asam Tbk PT AAQS 2024

Bukit Asam Tbk PT AAQS








Bukit Asam Tbk PTは、現在AAQSが9です。



一方で、株式のAAQS Bukit Asam Tbk PTを〈〈name〉〉が得た利益や同業他社と比較して考えることが重要です。 高いAAQSは必ずしも明るい未来を約束するわけではありません。 これだけで企業のパフォーマンス全体を評価することができます。

企業の進行状況をより正確に評価するために、AAQSを同業他社と比較して考えることが重要です。 一般的に、投資家は、企業のAAQSを、利益、EBIT、キャッシュフローなどの他の指標と関連付けて考え、優れた投資判断をするべきです。

Bukit Asam Tbk PT Aktienanalyse

Bukit Asam Tbk PTは何をしていますか?

Bukit Asam Tbk PT is an Indonesian company specializing in the mining and sale of coal products, as well as energy products. It has a long history dating back to 1919 when it first operated as a mining company. Since then, the company has become a leading coal supplier in Indonesia and is currently the largest supplier of coal products in the country. The business model of Bukit Asam Tbk PT is based on the mining and sale of coal products. The company operates six mines in Indonesia and produces millions of tons of coal annually. This coal is offered in various size classes and sold to customers in Indonesia and other Asian countries. Bukit Asam Tbk PT also offers energy products made from coal. These products include electricity, steam, and CO2 reduction certificates. The company also operates a number of power plants that generate electricity from coal and supply it to customers in Indonesia. The company is divided into various sectors, including mining, energy generation and distribution, chemicals, and trading. Within the mining sector, Bukit Asam Tbk PT focuses on the extraction of coal products from six mines in Sumatra, Indonesia. The energy generation sector operates power plants that generate electricity and steam from coal. The chemical sector produces various chemicals and industrial gases from coal products. The trading sector distributes coal products and energy products to various customers in Indonesia and other countries. Bukit Asam Tbk PT offers various products tailored to the needs of customers. The coal products offered include raw coal, wet coal, and dry coal. These products are offered in various size classes and can be delivered to different customers. The company also offers energy products including electricity and steam made from coal. These energy products are delivered to various customers in Indonesia. Overall, Bukit Asam Tbk PT is a leading company in the field of coal mining and energy generation in Indonesia. The company has a long history and is divided into various business sectors to meet the needs of customers. With its six mines and power plants, the company is well positioned to supply its customers with high-quality coal products and energy products. Bukit Asam Tbk PT ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf Eulerpool.com.

Bukit Asam Tbk PT株式に関するよくある質問


Andere Kennzahlen von Bukit Asam Tbk PT

Bukit Asam Tbk PT 売上高株の株式分析には、売上高、利益、PER(株価収益率)、P/S(時価総売上高比率)、EBIT、配当に関する重要な財務指標が含まれています。さらに、Bukit Asam Tbk PT 売上高の株式、時価総額、負債、自己資本、負債といった側面についても検討しています。これらのテーマについてより詳細な情報をお探しの場合、私たちのサブページで詳細な分析を提供しています: