CrowdStrike Shares Reach New High After Strong Quarterly Results

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In the field of cybersecurity, Crowdstrike is setting new benchmarks: The stock of the US company reached a historical high following the publication of impressive quarterly figures on Wednesday. After an initial surge of 22 percent, the growth stabilized at 16 percent, briefly lifting the share price above the 360 US-dollar threshold. This rally provided fresh momentum to a beleaguered technology market, which had recently suffered from significant profit-taking. Particularly, stocks from the IT, software, and semiconductor sectors experienced a stabilization in their share prices. Among the previous losers, Salesforce, as well as Intel, recorded remarkable gains of up to 2.8 percent, while IBM also stood nearly two percent in the green in the Dow Jones. Markus Leistner, an analyst at DZ Bank, praised Crowdstrike's quarterly results as exemplary. In his opinion, the figures and the subsequent forecast accurately reflect the company's excellent market position. Crowdstrike's cloud-based Falcon XDR platform offers clients effective and comprehensive security protection. Thanks to the application of artificial intelligence, the systems are capable of identifying and eliminating complex threats in real-time. In light of the positive developments, analysts have made adjustments to their price targets, with Leistner attributing a fair value of 430 US dollars to the stock. This is in line with the assessment of UBS expert Roger Boyd, who also sees considerable growth potential for Crowdstrike. According to Boyd, there is no sign of fatigue in the company's papers, especially after the strong outlook for the year 2025. Boyd emphasized that Crowdstrike deserves a premium valuation for its leading role in the areas of cloud security and identity protection. Crowdstrike has long enjoyed the status of a winner in the AI-powered cybersecurity sector. At the beginning of the year 2023, the shares were available for less than 100 US dollars, marking the lowest level since 2020. Since then, the value of the papers has multiplied, clearly highlighting the company's ambitions and strength in the market.

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