Hvem er udbyderen af Franklin U.S. Large Cap Multifactor Index ETF?
Franklin U.S. Large Cap Multifactor Index ETF tilbydes af Franklin, en førende aktør inden for passive investeringer.
Franklin LibertyQ U.S. Equity ETF is an exchange-traded fund that seeks to provide investors with exposure to U.S. large-cap stocks that exhibit high-quality, value, momentum, and low volatility characteristics. The fund is managed by Franklin Templeton, a global investment management firm with over 70 years of experience in the industry. The fund was launched in 2016 and has since grown in popularity, with assets under management of over $4 billion as of March 2021. The fund has an expense ratio of 0.15%, which is relatively low compared to other actively managed funds. The strategy behind the Franklin LibertyQ U.S. Equity ETF is based on the LibertyQ methodology, which is a quantitative approach to stock selection that focuses on fundamental and quantitative factors. The methodology combines four factors - quality, value, momentum, and low volatility - to create a diversified portfolio of large-cap U.S. stocks. The quality factor looks for companies with stable earnings growth and low debt levels. The value factor looks for companies that are undervalued based on their price-to-earnings ratio and other valuation metrics. The momentum factor looks for companies with strong stock price momentum, typically measured over the past 12 months. Finally, the low volatility factor looks for companies that exhibit lower price volatility compared to the overall market. The fund invests primarily in U.S. large-cap stocks, with a focus on companies in the S&P 500 Index. The fund may also invest in mid-cap and small-cap stocks that exhibit the same characteristics as the large-cap holdings. The portfolio is diversified across multiple sectors, with a focus on consumer staples, healthcare, and technology. Investors in the Franklin LibertyQ U.S. Equity ETF may benefit from the fund's ability to provide exposure to high-quality stocks with strong fundamentals, which may lead to better long-term performance. The fund's multi-factor approach may also provide diversification benefits and mitigate some of the risks associated with individual stocks or sectors. In summary, the Franklin LibertyQ U.S. Equity ETF is a well-diversified, actively managed fund that seeks to provide exposure to high-quality U.S. large-cap stocks with a focus on value, momentum, and low volatility. The fund's low expense ratio and experienced management team make it an attractive option for investors seeking a quantitative approach to stock selection.
Franklin U.S. Large Cap Multifactor Index ETF tilbydes af Franklin, en førende aktør inden for passive investeringer.
ISIN'en for Franklin U.S. Large Cap Multifactor Index ETF er US35473P8014
Den samlede omkostningsprocent for Franklin U.S. Large Cap Multifactor Index ETF er 0,29 %, hvilket betyder, at investorer betaler 29,00 USD pr. 10.000 USD i investeret kapital om året.
ETF'en er noteret i USD.
Europæiske investorer kan have ekstra omkostninger forbundet med valutaveksling og transaktionsgebyrer.
Nej, Franklin U.S. Large Cap Multifactor Index ETF overholder ikke EU's UCITS-investorbeskyttelsesdirektiver.
P/E-forholdet for Franklin U.S. Large Cap Multifactor Index ETF er 24,77
Franklin U.S. Large Cap Multifactor Index ETF afspejler kursudviklingen af LibertyQ US Large Cap Equity Index.
Det gennemsnitlige handelsvolumen for Franklin U.S. Large Cap Multifactor Index ETF er i øjeblikket 41.523,05
Franklin U.S. Large Cap Multifactor Index ETF er hjemmehørende i US.
Fondens start var den 26.4.2017
Franklin U.S. Large Cap Multifactor Index ETF investerer hovedsageligt i Large Cap-virksomheder.
NAV'en for Franklin U.S. Large Cap Multifactor Index ETF er 61,14 mio. USD.
Kurs-/bogføringsforholdet er på 5,772.
Investeringer kan foretages gennem mæglere eller finansielle institutioner, som tilbyder adgang til handel med ETF'er.
ETF'en handles på børsen, ligesom aktier.
Ja, ETF'en kan holdes i en almindelig værdipapirdepot.
ETF'en egner sig både til kort- og langsigtede investeringsstrategier, afhængigt af investorernes målsætninger.
ETF'en vurderes dagligt på børsen.
Informationer om udbytter bør forespørges på udbyderens hjemmeside eller hos din mægler.
Til risiciene hører markedsfluktuationer, valutarisiko og risikoen ved mindre virksomheder.
ETF'en er forpligtet til at rapportere regelmæssigt og gennemsigtigt om sine investeringer.
Performance kan ses på Eulerpool eller direkte på udbyderens hjemmeside.
Yderligere informationer kan findes på udbyderens officielle hjemmeside.