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Slovinsko Žádosti o azyl


305 persons
Změna +/-
-105 persons
Změna %
-29,37 %

Aktuální hodnota Žádosti o azyl v Slovinsko je 305 persons. Žádosti o azyl v Slovinsko klesly na 305 persons dne 1. 5. 2024, poté co byly 410 persons dne 1. 4. 2024. Od 1. 1. 2008 do 1. 6. 2024 byl průměrný HDP v Slovinsko 182,85 persons. Historického maxima bylo dosaženo dne 1. 8. 2023 s hodnotou 915,00 persons, zatímco nejnižší hodnota byla zaznamenána dne 1. 10. 2009 s hodnotou 0 persons.


Žádosti o azyl

  • 3 roky

  • 5 let

  • 10 let

  • 25 let

  • Max

Žádosti o azyl

Žádosti o azyl Historie

1. 5. 2024305 persons
1. 4. 2024410 persons
1. 3. 2024415 persons
1. 2. 2024525 persons
1. 1. 2024600 persons
1. 12. 2023660 persons
1. 11. 2023595 persons
1. 10. 2023640 persons
1. 9. 2023665 persons
1. 8. 2023915 persons

Podobné makroekonomické ukazatele k Žádosti o azyl

Dluh státu k HDP
69,2 % of GDP72,5 % of GDPRočně
Hodnota státního rozpočtu
-559 mil. EUR-154 mil. EURMěsíčně
Index korupce
56 Points56 PointsRočně
Korupční index
42 41 Ročně
Státní dluh
44,528 mld. EUR42,775 mld. EURčtvrtletí
Státní příjmy
1,995 mld. EUR1,986 mld. EURMěsíčně
Státní rozpočet
-2,5 % of GDP-3 % of GDPRočně
Státní výdaje
2,586 mld. EUR2,129 mld. EURMěsíčně
Vojenské výdaje
907,5 mil. USD775,2 mil. USDRočně
Výdaje státu
2,268 mld. EUR2,24 mld. EURčtvrtletí
Výdaje státu k HDP
46,7 % of GDP47,2 % of GDPRočně

Žádost o azyl uvedená na této stránce se vztahuje na první žádosti o azyl. Data jsou poskytována společnosti Eulerpool organizací Eurostat, národními ministerstvy vnitra a dalšími oficiálními agenturami.

Co je Žádosti o azyl

Asylum Applications, also known as "žádosti o azyl," constitute a significant segment of macroeconomic data that reveals a plethora of information about socio-political and economic conditions both within and outside of the Czech Republic. At Eulerpool, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive and precise macroeconomic data, and in this context, the examination of Asylum Applications is crucial for a multifaceted understanding of global and national trends. Understanding the dynamics of Asylum Applications in the Czech Republic offers a lens through which we can analyze several macroeconomic indicators. Asylum seekers, or "žadatelé o azyl," are individuals who have fled their home countries due to persecution, conflict, or severe instability. This phenomenon directly ties into various social, economic, and political factors that influence the overall stability and development of a nation. To begin with, the volume of Asylum Applications can serve as an indicator of geopolitical unrest in specific regions. Countries experiencing conflict, human rights violations, or economic collapse often see their citizens seeking refuge in more stable territories, including the Czech Republic. Data on Asylum Applications broken down by the country of origin can illuminate which regions are undergoing severe duress and can also help in predicting potential future migration trends. Furthermore, trends in Asylum Applications in the Czech Republic can also reflect domestic economic and social policies. For instance, fluctuations in the number of applications may correlate with changes in visa regulations, border control policies, and the overall political climate. Policy reforms aimed at tightening or loosening immigration controls can have immediate and noticeable impacts on the inflow of asylum seekers. Therefore, monitoring these numbers can provide insights into the effectiveness and reach of the Czech Republic's immigration policies. From an economic perspective, the integration of asylum seekers has both short-term and long-term effects on the economy. Initial stages typically involve costs related to housing, legal proceedings, and social services. However, with proper integration programs, asylum seekers can contribute economically through labor force participation, consumption, and even entrepreneurial activities. Assessing the macroeconomic impact of Asylum Applications thus requires a nuanced understanding of labor market absorption, social integration policies, and economic contribution levels. Moreover, the processing of Asylum Applications also has bureaucratic and resource-based implications for the host country. The efficiency of the asylum system in handling these applications, including the legal proceedings and overall support systems in place, plays a pivotal role. Delays and backlogs can not only strain public resources but also have human costs, affecting the welfare of asylum seekers. The demographic profile of asylum seekers is another pivotal aspect of analysis. Age, gender, education level, and professional experience of asylum applicants provide valuable data points. Younger and more educated individuals might assimilate more easily into the workforce, thereby presenting opportunities for economic gain. Conversely, the presence of dependents—such as minors and elderly relatives—might necessitate a different set of social support requirements, impacting overall public expenditure. Additionally, the public perception and societal response to asylum seekers in the Czech Republic are factors that influence broader macroeconomic conditions. Societal attitudes towards immigration can affect policy decisions, which in turn impacts future inflows of asylum applications. Public sentiment may also influence market conditions, consumer behavior, and the political landscape, which together drive macroeconomic outcomes. It is also essential to consider the international context when studying Asylum Applications within the Czech Republic. The country’s participation in international frameworks, such as the European Union's Common European Asylum System (CEAS), underscores its commitment to shared responsibilities and standards in handling asylum seekers. Compliance with international regulations and agreements can foster international cooperation and reflect on the country’s global standing and fund allocations. In essence, the asylum-seeking process is not just a humanitarian issue but a complex macroeconomic phenomenon that intertwines various facets of national and international policy, economic performance, social integration, and public sentiment. Eulerpool aims to provide thorough and precise data, empowering stakeholders to make informed decisions based on robust macroeconomic analyses. The dynamic interplay of these factors underscores the importance of monitoring Asylum Applications as a vital statistic within the realm of macroeconomic data. To summarize, Asylum Applications offer deep insights into both global and domestic macroeconomic conditions. By tracking and analyzing these applications, we can gain valuable insights into geopolitical instability, regional crises, domestic policy impacts, labor market dynamics, social integration, public sentiment, and international cooperation frameworks. This comprehensive analysis provides a holistic view of how Asylum Applications as a category of macroeconomic data can influence and reflect broader economic and social trends. At Eulerpool, we are committed to delivering the highest standards of data accuracy and relevance to support informed decision-making processes.